From the British Neptune, Sunday, Sept. 11,1803.

         The Ploughman's Ditty:



          To the Tune of—" He that has the best Wife."


BECAUSE I'm but poor,
And slender 's my store,
That I've nothing to lose is the cry, Sir;
Let who will declare it,
I vow I can't bear it,
I give all such praters the lye, Sir.


Tho' my house is but small,
Yet to have none at all
Would sure be a greater distress, Sir;
Shall my garden so sweet,
And my orchard so neat,
Be the prize of a foreign oppressor?


On Saturday night,
'Tis still my delight,
With my wages to run home the faster;
But, if Frenchmen rule here,
I may look far and near,
For I never shall find a pay-master.


I've a dear little wife,
Whom I love as my life,.
To lose her I should not much like, Sir;
And 'twould make me run wild,
To see my sweet child,
With its head on the point of a pike, Sir.


I've my Church, too, to save,
And will go to my grave,
In defence of a church that's the best, Sir;
I've my King, too, God bless him !
Let no man oppress him,
For none has he ever opprest, Sir.


British laws for my guard,
My cottage is barr'd,
'Tis safe in the light or the dark, Sir;
If the 'squire should oppress,
I get instant redress,
My orchard's as safe as his park, Sir.


My cot is my throne,
What I have is my own,
And what is my own I will keep, Sir;
Should Boney come now,
'Tis true, I may plough,
But I'm sure that I never should reap, Sir.


Now do but reflect,
What I have to protect,
Then doubt if to fight I should chuse, Sir ;
King; Church, Babes, and Wife,
Laws, Liberty; Life,
Now tell me I've nothing to lose, Sir.


Then I'll beat my ploughshare,
To a sword or a spear,
And rush on these desperate men, Sir;
Like, a lion I'll fight,
That my spear now so bright,
May soon turn to a ploughshare again, Sir.

The Committee of the Patriotic Fund, at Lloyd's, have directed, that, in future, a List of the Subscribers of
both Subscriptions, now,open at that Coffee-House, be published, every Sunday and Monday, in the
Neptune.-----To be had at the Office, No. 5, James-Street, Covent-Garden;- Booth's, Bookseller, Duke-
Street, Portland-Place;
Ginger's, 169, Piccadilly; likewise of all Booksellers Newsman, & c. in the
United Kingdom.