Military Medical Services.

Paras. 8-14.

as such is responsible for the administration and technical training
of R.A.M.C. and A.D. Corps other ranks, as laid down in Standing
Orders for the R.A.M.C., R.A.M.C. (T.A.) and A.D. Corps.

   8.  Company officer No. 31 Coy. R.A.M.C.—An officer of the R.A.M.C.
is appointed Company Officer at Headquarters No. 31 Company
R.A.M.C., India.

   9.  Tour of service.—R.A.M.C. and A.D. Corps other ranks ser e
for a period of 5 years in India, vide King's Regulations, paragraph

   10.  Leave.—Leave for officers and other ranks of the R.A.M.C.
and A.D. Corps is governed by the leave rules for the British Service
in India, vide Regulations for the Army in India. (See also Appendix
V of these Regs.)

  (b) The Indian Medical Service.

   11.  General.—The I.M.S is primarily a military service for duty
with the Indian Army. A proportion of the establishment is eligible
for employment on civil duties under the Government of India or under
Provincial Governments; officers so employed, with the exception
of those holding certain specified posts called " residuary," form
the War Reserve and are liable to be recalled to military duty. All
officers entering the service after the 10th May 1928 are liable for
military or civil employment, as may be required.

   12.  The Military Establishment.—The establishment of the I.M.S.
in military employment is the number of officers sanctioned from
time to time to perform administrative, executive and miscellaneous
duties in connection with the care of the health of the Army in India,
plus a leave and study leave reserve of 27½ per cent.

   13.  The Director General, I.M.S.—The D.G., I.M.S. is the head of
the I.M.S. and of the I.M.D. He is responsible that the I.M.S. and
I.M.D. are kept up to strength, and that the authorised number of
officers and warrant officers is placed at the disposal of the C.-in-C.
for military duty. The D. G., I. M. S. is the president of the Selection
Board for recommending I. M. S. officers for promotion to admini-
strative grades and should be kept informed of prospective
vacancies in the military list and also of vacancies which may occur
unexpectedly. He will decide on the eligibility of an officer of the
I.M.S. in military employment for recognition as a specialist, his
decision being based either on certificates of a recognised institution,
or determined by examination of the candidate (an officer may qualify
as a specialist at any period of his service). He will keep the records
of service and confidential reports of the members of the I.M.S. and
I.M.D. The D.M.S. will supply him with all necessary particulars
for keeping up the records of those in military employment.

   14.  Appointment to the I.M.S.—Officers are admitted to the I.M.S.
in accordance with rules issued by the Secretary of State for India.

   An officer's service commences from the date of his first permanent
commissions unless otherwise specially provided for. The dates of