Duties of the Military Medical Services.

Paras. 109-12.

          (3)   Submisson of I.A.F. M-1194.

          (4)   Holding of a medical board on all men reported as perma-
nently unfit for general service, with a view to deter-
mining whether they should be invalided, or retained as
fit for garrison duty in India.

      (b )   He will arrange that officers of the Medical Services with Indian
experience give lectures on the preservation of health to all officers
and men of newly arrived units and drafts.

      109.   Military Engineering Services necessary on hygienic grounds.—
The D.D.M.S. command will prepare, in consultation with the C.E.,
a list of military engineering services required in the command area
for the maintenance of the health of the troops and their families
arranged according to their relative urgency. Prior to the consi-
deration and preparation at command headquarters of the schedule
of demands for new works to be submitted annually to A.H.Q., he
will submit the list, accompanied by such remarks as he wishes to
make, to the D.A. and Q.M.G. command. After the schedule of
demands has been submitted to A.H.Q. he will forward a copy of
the list to the D.M.S. with a note showing what items have been
included in the schedule of demands.

      110.   Schemes for improvement of hygienic conditions, reports of
progress.—He will keep A.H.Q. informed through the G.O.C.-in-Chief,
of the progress of important schemes for improvement of sanitation
and hygiene in the command. These reports should be framed in
close co-operation with the C.E.

Duties of Assistant Directors of Medical Services, Districts and Inde-
pendent Brigades.

      111.   General.—An A.D.M.S. is appointed to the headquarters
of a District or independent brigade as the responsible adviser of
the G.O.C. or Independent Brigade Commander. He will be guided
in the performance of his duties by the foregoing paragraphs.

      112.   Special duties.—(i) He will inspect every medical unit under
his administration annually, to ascertain that they are administered
in conformity with the regulations, that the patients in hospitals
are properly cared for, and that while due economy is observed every-
thing necessary for the scientific treatment of the sick is supplied.

      (ii)   He will arrange for a strict inspection of the mobilization
medical equipment of field medical units in his district or brigade
twice a year and report (I.A.F. I-1144) on its condition and readiness
for service; one of these inspections will be made personally by the
A.D.M.S. In the case of general hospitals, the inspection of M.E.S.
and Ordnance equipment will be carried out once a year in con-
junction with the local M.E.S. and I.A.O.C. officer, vide part I,
paragraph 224, Regulations for Equipment of the Army in India

      (iii)   He will arrange for the inspection once a year of first field
dressings on charge of hospitals and for samples of these to be examined