Paras. 325-31.

Hospital Dietary.


     325. Articles of diet and scales of dietary.—The articles of hospital
dietary and extras and their scales of issue, authorised for British
and Indian troops and followers respectively are detailed in "Scales
of Rations and Supplies issued by the I. A. S. Corps".

     326. Hospital dietary, to whom allowed.—(i) All persons entitled
to admission into a military hospital (B. M. H., I. M. H. or military
family hospital) and admitted thereto for treatment will be provided
with free hospital diets and extras, subject to the payment of hospital
stoppages, if any, authorised in each case, vide P. and A. Regs., Part II.

     (ii) Patients must be "admitted" to hospital to entitle them to
hospital diets. Hospital diets will not be issued to patients on the
first day of admission to hospital or to patients "detained" in hospital.
Such patients will be subsisted on extras.

     327. Extras.—With the approval of the O. C. hospital officers in
medical charge of patients in a military hospital or military family
hospital may order for them as extras any authorised articles of food
(including fresh fruit and extra ice) or drink procurable by the I. A.
S. C. that they consider necessary for the sick (including British Soldiers'

     328. Variation in diets.—The O. C. hospital will arrange that or-
dinary diets are varied as much as possible, and that food is served
in an appetising and attractive manner.

     329. Hours of meals.—It is left to the discretion of the O. C. hospital
to arrange the hours for meals so as to suit local requirements, care
being taken that patients are not left too long without nourishment.

     330. Ordering of diets and extras.—The officer in medical charge
of the case will order such diet and extras as may be suitable for each
patient on I. A. F. M-1204 (Patient's diet sheet) and will bear in mind
that all necessary economy, compatible with the well-being of the
patient, should be practised, in order that any undue issue of extras
may be avoided.

     For patients in B. M. Hs. having their meals in the dining hall,
ordinary diet will be ordered on the patient's diet sheet by the medical
officer in charge of the ward, and extras will be ordered by the O. C.
hospital on the dining hall diet sheet.

     331. Daily ward-requisition for diets and extras.—The daily re-
-quirements of diets and extras for the ward will be compiled on I. A. F.
M-1205 or M-1205-A by the assistant surgeon or sub-assistant surgeon
in sub-charge of the ward from patient's diet sheets, in accordance
with instructions on the form. The officer in charge of the ward is
responsible for the correctness of these forms and will sign the re-
quisition before its submission to the storekeeper.