Form of Agreement.

Appx. II-B.

give that officer one clear calendar month's previous notice
in writing of such desire, and in default of such notice she
shall, if she quits the service, forfeit to the said Secretary
of State the amount deposited by her under condition 1
above. The said deposit shall also be forfeited in the event
of the party of the first part being dismissed for misconduct.

   5. That if the party of the first part shall at any time hereafter
quit the service within six months of receiving a uniform
allowance, she shall, (unless the officer commanding the
military family hospital at which she may then be serving,
certifies that he is satisfied that her resignation is necessary
on account of illness or unforeseen circumstances over which
she had no control and excuses her from doing so) refund
on demand a portion of the yearly outfit allowance issued
to her, the amount to be refunded being assessed at the
rate of Rs 10/5. for each month or a portion of a month by
which her service in that year may fall short of six months,
if she is in the first year/second or subsequent year of her service and
may be deducted from the amount of the deposit made by
her under clause 1 unless forfeited under clause 4 hereof
or any other money due to her by the said Secretary of

   6. That if the said Secretary of State shall at any time hereafter
wish to terminate the service of the party of the first part
shall be entitled to have one clear calendar month's previous
notice thereof or in default of such notice she shall be
entitled to one month's salary, provided nevertheless the
said Secretary of State shall be entitled to dismiss the party
of the first part without notice or payment in lieu thereof
for misconduct (as to which the decision of the officer
commanding the hospital at which she is then serving shall
be final).

   7. That the cost of the stamp affixed to this agreement shall be
paid by the party of the first part.

   In witness whereof the party of the first part and the
, on behalf of the said Secretary of State have hereto set their
hands, the day and year written above.
Signed by the party of the first part
in the presence of

Signed by
   on behalf of the Secretary of State
   in the presence of