Appx. XVII.

Sanitary reports.

     Latrines and urinals—description; location (especially in rela-
tion to kitchens and water sources); condition; night lighting; post-
ing of sanitary orders and orderlies; latrine paper; methods of fly

     Manure—position and condition of horse lines; prevalence, breed-
ing and destruction of flies; methods of disposal.

     Other solid refuse (including carcases)—methods of collection
and disposal.

     Incinerators—type; working methods; condition of incinerators
and surroundings; completeness of combustion; freedom of ashpits
from unburnt organic matter; absence of fly larvæ from neighbour-
hood of the incinerators.

     Sullage—method of collection and disposal; suitability and cover-
ing of the receptacles used.

     Flies—exclusion from matter which is infective or which afford
them breeding facilities.

     (i )  Sickness .—Numbers sick (including those treated in barracks)
to the total strength, shown as rates per 1,000.

     Infectious diseases—methods of control; isolation of cases and
contacts; disinfection facilities and routine.

     In the event of there being a relative excess of any special diseases,
their nature and prevalence should be stated, and detailed results of
investigation and remedial action should be given.

     (j )  Sanitary and water-duty personnel .—Establishment; strength;
duties; training; efficiency; arrangements for maintaining trained

     2.  Matters especially applicable to areas occupied by buildings.

     (a )  General .—Buildings—access of light and air; exclusion of
ground air; dryness.

     Living rooms—space (cubic, floor and linear) per occupant by
day and by night; ratio of glass area to floor area.

     Kitchens, preparation rooms and sculleries—facilities for pre-
paration of vegetables and other foods and for cooking and washing
up; provision of sinks, racks and hot water.

     Drainage—system (separate or combined); connections and

     Rain and surface waters—condition of roofs and conduits; dis-
connection; condition of gullies; efficiency of traps.

     Sullage water—disconnection; efficiency of traps.

     Soil pipes—construction; dimensions; position; ventilation;
efficiency of W.C. traps; provision of anti-siphonage; inspection
eyes at junction with drains.

     Drains—course; construction; dimensions; gradients; position
of inspection chambers; ventilation; cleanliness; flushing; discon-
nection from sewer; results of tests (water, smoke or chemical).