Sanitary reports.

Appx. XVII.

     Conservancy, Sewage disposal—system in use; description of
installation; management; efficiency, as indicated by characters and
analyses of final effluent.

     Refuse disposal—receptacles; collection (interval and disposal);
storage; exclusion of flies.

     (b )  Barracks .—Guard and barrack detention rooms—space; ven-
tilation; lighting; heating; bedding; sanitary conveniences.

     Dining rooms—seating accommodation; floor space per man;
organization for food service.

     Messing—system; variety; condition of food service.

     Swimming bath—provision and use of preliminary shower baths
provision of urinals; condition of water (frequency of changing and
means adopted for purification); towels; disposal of foul water.

     Gymnasium—condition and training of recruits; ablution facili-
ties; development charts.

     (c )  Married quarters .—Accommodation—sufficiency in regard to-
total strength and to size of individual families; spaces provided
(day and night); facilities for separation of girls from boys at night;
cupboard accommodation in bedrooms and living rooms, W.C. accom-

     Cooking facilities; provision of larder and coal store.

     Bathing facilities.

     Laundry and drying facilities—provision and purity of rain-

     Fuel—adequacy of issues.

     Food, clothing, and essential expenses.

     Children—physical and physiological condition, with special re-
ference to diet (total calorie value, proximate principles and acces-
sory food factors (vitamins)); provision of playgrounds and sheds.

     (d )  Hospitals .—Accommodation—ratio of beds to strength (gene-
ral, special departments, infectious, families); situation; descrip-
tion; condition; space per occupant of wards (cubic, floor and linear
wall space); ventilation; heating; ratio of glass area to floor area.

     Annexes—position; adequacy; fittings; condition.

     Infectious cases—isolation; disinfection (facilities and arrange-

     (e )  Schools .—Accommodation—sufficiency in relation to strength;
situation; description; condition; space per scholar (cubie and
floor); ventilation; warming lighting; ratio of glass area to floor
area, direction of fall of light upon desks; latrines and urinals (type,
sufficiency, percentages for each sex, supply of latrine paper); play-
ground adequacy; provision of hat and clothes pegs (sufficiency
and individual allotment); ablution facilities (basins, soap and
towels); drinking water (supply by jet with a ring to prevent appli-
cation of mouth to nozzle, exclusion of cups for common use).