Investigating, etc., of infectious disease.

Appx. XIX.


   22. Spread.— By "droplet" infection during speaking and cough-
ing, etc. The most important factors in the dissemination of the
disease are overcrowding and lack of efficient ventilation.

   23. Preventive measures .—Disinfection will be carried out as indi-
cated in para. 554. Cases of the disease should be isolated. Over-
crowding should be prevented in barrack-rooms, etc. Crowded
places of public resort should be avoided. Insufflation of the naso-
pharynx with a week solution of permanganate of potash (1 part in
5,000 parts of 0.8 per cent. solution of sodium chloride) appears to be
very useful in preventing attacks. Cups and other drinking utensils
in huts, messes, etc., should be sterilized. Promiscuous spitting must
be prevented. Where possible, during unusual prevalence of influenza,
the personnel of every unit should be medically inspected daily. There
is evidence that influenza vaccine provides protection and reduces the
liability to severe complications.


   24. Spread.— By infected anopheles mosquitoes.

   Malaria is the principal cause of sickness amongst the troops in
India, and consequently of great financial loss to the State. Approxi-
mately 1 man in 5 suffers from it each year.

Admissions to Hospital.

Fresh. Relapse. Total. Ratio per 1,000. Fresh. Relapse. Total. Ratio per 1,000.
1922.. 4,093 6,459 10,552 175.4 Not av ailable. 25,705 173.9
1923.. 4,910 5,965 10,875 172.2 5,042 17,604 22,646 158.1
1924.. 4,515 7,605 12,120 206.8 3,293 14,139 17,432 129.4
1925.. 3,064 6,060 9,124 159.0 2,616 9,219 11,835 86.7
1926.. 4,175 5,214 9,389 165.3 3,620 12,022 15,542 115.0
1927.. 2,934 4,789 7,723 138.8 3,075 10,036 13,111 98.5

   25. Preventive measures.— An anti-malarial medical officer will be
appointed by the A. D. M. S. at each station in which malaria is pre-
valent. He should have charge of all anti-malarial measures and be
responsible for the correctness of any malaria statistics and reports
that may be called for. Approved policy consists of the following

   I. Withdrawal of troops from malarious stations during the infective
season ("Cold Storage ").—This is an effective measure when facilities