Appx. XIX.

Investigating, etc., of infectious disease.

direct to the officer in charge of the Enteric Laboratory, Kasauli
(officer in charge District Laboratory in the case of Maymyo).

       (a) A. F. B. 181, Clinical Chart.
       (b) A. F. B. 178, Medical History Sheet.
       (c) A. F. I. 1237, Medical Case Sheet.
       (d) I. A. F. M-1265B, Malaria Case Sheet (if under treatment for
       (e) A. F. I. 3056, Special report on a case of fever of the enteric

       (iii) On arrival at the Hill Depôt, Kasauli, or at Maymyo, each
man will be placed as soon as possible upon a course of bacteriological
examinations of both fæces and urine. Normally this will consist of
30 examinations of each, viz., five per week for a period of 6 weeks.
As soon as tests have been completed, A. F. I. 3056 (special report on
a case of fever of the enteric group), with the remarks of the officer in
charge of the Enteric Laboratory, Kasauli or District Laboratory,
Maymyo, regarding the bacteriological and serological findings
entered thereon, will be returned to the O. C. military hospital con-
cerned, who will forward it without delay to the Director of Medical
Services in India through the usual channels. Necessary changes of
diagnosis will be made by the D. M. S. in India and notified by him
to all concerned.

       Men relapsing will also be admitted to hospital; on discharge
therefrom the series of examinations mentioned above will be com-
menced de novo.
       (iv) At the beginning of each month the officer in charge of the
Enteric Laboratory, Kasauli, and the officer in charge of the District
Laboratory, Maymyo, will submit nominal rolls of (a ) men comm-
encing and completing examination during the previous month and
(b ) carriers detected during the previous month, and (c ) of those
remaining under examination on the last day of the month, giving
the following particulars:—

       (1) No., (2) rank, (3) name, (4) station from which received,
(5) diagnosis at own station, (6) date of arrival, (7) positive
findings with dates,(8) final diagnosis, and (9) remarks, if
any. These returns will be sent direct to the D. M. S..
in India.
       (v) A " carrier " will be held to remain a carrier until at least 20
negative examinations have been made since the time when enteric
organisms were last found.
       (vi) All " carriers " detected will at once be admitted to hospital.
       (vii) A carrier becomes,for statistical and invaliding purposes, a
" chronic carrier " if he continues to excrete enteric organisms persis-
tently or intermittently up to a period of six months from the date of
arrival for examination.
       (viii) A " chronic carrier," as defined above, will be brougt before
a medical board and invalided to the United Kingdom. Army