Appx. XIX.

Investigating, etc., of infectious disease.


     55. Spread. —Typhus fever is especially liable to break out among
troops under active service conditions. Infection is carried by lice.

     56. Preventive measures. —Patients should be isolated immediately,
and be completely freed from lice and their ova before admission to the
wards; disinfestation will be carried out as indicated in para. 554.
Reinfestation must be prevented. Medical officers and attendants
on the sick should undergo disinfestation every day. They should
wear overalls fitting tightly at the neck, wrists and ankles, long gloves
and close-fitting caps. Contacts should be freed from lice and have
their clothing disinfested. They should be kept under daily medical
observation for a period of 22 days (10 days for incubation in the
louse plus 12 days for the patient). Effective disinfestation renders-
segregation unnecessary. When troops are exposed to the risk of
contracting typhus, special attention should be directed to the destruc-
tion of lice and ova in the hair; and their clothing, bedding and textile
equipment should be disinfested at intervals not exceeding 14 days.
On the occurrence of a case, the above measures should also be applied
to quartermasters' stores, and the entire unit after disinfestation should
proceed whenever possible, to a new, clean camp. Special attention
should be paid to refugees, and no unauthorised persons should enter
the military area. The periodical disinfestation of vehicles is neces-
sary. Infective areas should be placed out of bounds and contact
with local inhabitants should be avoided as much as possible.


     57. Spread. —By direct "droplet" infection or by infected utensils

     58. Preventive measures. —The patient should be isolated for a
minimum of 6 weeks from the onset. Disinfection will be carried out
as indicated in para. 554.

     Contacts should be kept under daily medical inspection for 16 days
and children of infected families should be excluded from school for a
similar period.