Appx. XXI.

Specimens for laboratory examination.

          7. The minimum quantities which should be sent for examination
are as follows:—

Milk. . . . . . . 6 ozs.
Condensed milk . . . . . 1 tin
Dried milk, milk foods, etc. . . . 2 ozs.
Butter, margarine, ghi, etc. . . . 4 ozs.
Cheese. .   . . . . 4 ozs.
Bread. . . . . . . 8 ozs.
Biscuits . . . . . . 8 ozs.
Flour. . . . . . . 4 ozs.
Oatmeal . . . . . . 2 ozs.
Atta. . . . . . . 4 ozs.
Rice. . . . . . . 4 ozs.
Tea. . . . . . . 2 ozs.
Coffee. . . . . . . 4 ozs.
Cocoa. . . . . . . 2 ozs.
Tinned meat, fish, etc. . . . . 1 tin
Sausage . . . . . . 8 ozs.
Dried or smoked meat, fish, etc. . . 8 ozs.
Lard or its manufactured substitutes . 4 ozs.
Tinned or bottled fruits, vegetables,
1 tin or bot-
Sugar. . . . . . . 4 ozs.
Jams, syrups, etc.. . . . . 4 ozs.
Confectionery, sweets, etc. . . . 4 ozs.
Pepper, mustard, species, etc.. . . 1 oz.
Vinegar, sauces, etc. . . . . 5 ozs.
Lime juice and other similar preparations. 5 ozs.
Beer or stout. . . . . . 10 ozs.
Spirits.. . . . . . 10 ozs.
Aerated water . . . . . 1 bottle or

          8. Each sample should be securely packed labelled and sealed by
the sampling officer, and forwarded by the most expeditious route.
A report regarding each sample will be despatched separately by re-
gistered post.

          9. Reports, forwarded as above, should embody at least the following

          (a) The nature and quantity of the sample.

          (b) The source of the sample and the date of procuring it.