Specimens for laboratory examination.

Appx. XXI.

   The bottle is now filled up to the brim with one of the following

   (A) Zenker's fluid:—

Pot. Bichromate 5
Mercury Perchloride 7
Glacial Acetic Acid 7
(or ordinary Acetic Acid) 21
Water up to 20

   (B) Rectified spirit.

   (C) Methylated spirit.

   Very inferior results are obtained with Methylated Spirit. It is
therefore recommended that one of the first two fluids be used wherever
possible. Large quantities of preservative fluid are always required.

   18. Packing and despatch .—A layer of cotton wool is placed at the
bottom of the bottle and the bottle is filled up to the top with the
preservative fluid. This prevents jarring during a journey and con-
sequently the brain is not broken up and emulsified. In no case
should the brain be wrapped round with cotton wool as it prevents the
penetration of the preserving fluid. The lid of the jar is now sealed
and the jar is packed in a box carefully with saw dust, etc.

   A descriptive account of the illness of the animal should always
accompany the brain, and also the full address of the person to whom
the results of the examination are to be sent.

   Medical and veterinary officers should also send a small frag-
ment of the brain in 50 per cent. glycerin and distilled water in cases
of animals which they regard as undoubtedly suffering from rabies,
as "Street Virus" is always required at Pasteur Institutes.


   19. It is advisable to obtain the first sputum that is brought up in
the early morning.

   Particular care should be taken when collecting bronchial secretion,
that the sputum is coughed up and is not simply obtained from the
upper air passages or mouth.

   It is convenient, in forwarding the specimen, to use a stoppered
sputum bottle.

   These bottles can readily be sterilized before use by rinsing with
a few drops of absolute alcohol or methylated spirit which is then set


   20. Autogenous vaccines, for cases of furunculosis, acne, etc., can
be prepared, provided a specimen of pus, collected with aseptic pre-
cautions, be forwarded.