
  38. Have the three different preparations of
ganja (round and flat ganja and "chur") any
different effects in kind or degree on consumers?

  39. Is the smoking of any preparation of the
hemp plant in any way a less injurious form of
consumption than drinking or eating the same
or any other preparation? Give reasons for your

  40. (a) Is the use of any of these drugs
prescribed on account of its medicinal qualities by
any school of Native Doctors?

  (b) Are any of them used in the treatment of
cattle disease?

  41. May the moderate use of charas, ganja, or
bhang be beneficial in its effects—

     (a) as a food accessory or digestive;

     (b) to give staying-power under severe exer-
     tion or exposure, or to alleviate fatigue;

     (c) as a febrifuge or preventive of disease
     in malarious and unhealthy tracts;

     (d) in any other way.

  What classes (if any) use the drug for any of
the above purposes, and in what proportion of
such classes? Is it the moderate habitual use
or moderate occasional use of the drug which you
refer to?

  42. If not beneficial, do you consider the
moderate use of any of these drugs to be harm-
less? Give reasons for your answer.

  43. Are moderate consumers inoffensive to their

  44. (a) What is the immediate effect of the
moderate use of any of these drugs on the habitual
consumer ?

  (b) Is it refreshing?

  (c) Does it produce intoxication ?

  (d) Does it allay hunger ?

  (e) Does it create appetite ?

  (f) How long does the effect last?

  (g) Are there any after-effects?

  (h) Does the want of subsequent gratification
produce any longing or uneasiness ?

  45. (a) Does the habitual moderate use of any
of these drugs produce any noxious effects—physi-
cal, mental, or moral?

  (b) Does it impair the constitution in any way?

  (c) Does it injure the digestion or cause loss
of appetite?

  (d) Does it cause dysentery, bronchitis, or

  (e) Does it impair the moral sense or induce
laziness or habits of immorality or debauchery?

  (f) Does it deaden the intellect or produce

  If it produces insanity, then of what type,
and is it temporary or permanent ?

  If temporary, may the symptoms be re-induced
by use of the drug after liberation from restraint?

  Are there any typical symptoms?

  Do insanes, who have no recorded ganja history,
confess to the use of the drug?

  (g) In such cases of the alleged connection
between insanity and the use of hemp as are known
to you, are you of opinion that the use of the
drug by persons suffering from mental anxiety
or brain disease to obtain relief has been sufficiently
considered in explaining that connection?

  And do you think there is any evidence to
indicate that insanity may often tend to indulgence
in the use of hemp drugs by a person who is
deficient in self-control through weakened in-

  Give an account under each of these points of
any cases with which you are acquainted.

  46. Discuss the same question in regard to the
habitual excessive use of any of these drugs.

  47. Does the habitual moderate use of any of
these drugs appear to be a hereditary habit or to
affect in any way the children of the moderate

  48. Discuss the same question in regard to the
habitual excessive use of any of these drugs.

  49. (a) Is the moderate use of any of these
drugs practised as an aphrodisiac?

  (b) Is it so used by prostitutes?

  (c) Is the use for this purpose more injurious
than its use as an ordinary narcotic, and, if so,

  (d) Does the use of hemp tend to produce

  50. Discuss the same question in regard to the
excessive use of any of these drugs.

  51. (a) Are any large proportion of bad charac-
ters habitual moderate consumers of any of these

  (b) What connection, if any, has the moderate
use with crime in general or with crime of any
special character?

  52. Discuss the same question in regard to the
excessive use of any of these drugs.

  53. Does excessive indulgence in any of these
drugs incite to unpremeditated crime, violent or
otherwise? Do you know of any case in which
it has led to temporary homicidal frenzy?

  54. Are these drugs used by criminals to fortify
themselves to commit a premeditated act of vio-
lence or other crime ?

  55. (a) Do criminals, in order to further their
designs, induce their victims to partake of any
of these drugs and so stupefy themselves?

  (b) Can complete stupefaction be thus induced
by this drug without admixture.

  56. How are the effects of hemp, used (a) in
moderation and (b) in excess, modified by the
admixture of other substances? Note specially
any information you possess regarding the admix-
ture of dhatura for personal consumption or for
administration to others.

  57. Ganja and charas are said sometimes to be
eaten or drunk. Where this is the case, give
your experience as to the effects, dealing separate-
ly with any of the heads in the preceding questions
which seem to require notice.



  58. If you are acquainted with the present system
of Excise Administration in your province in re-
spect of hemp drugs, do you consider it to be
working well, or do you consider it to be capable
of improvement?

  59. If capable of improvement, indicate in what
direction or directions, giving reasons for your