Oral evidence.

   Question 1.—My home is in the Nimar district.

   Question 22.—Charas smoked in Nimar and
Chhindwara is brought from Indore. I am under
the impression that it is made there. Charas used
to be made in Nimar district, being collected from
the ganja plants on leather; but the manufacture
has been illegal since about 1872. I never saw it
made; hut I used to be told of the manufacture.
By " native" charas I meant Indore charas. I
have never seen any variety of charas.

   Question 25. —I think that the feeling against
ganja and bhang is stronger than it used to be
and is becoming stronger. I think even sadhus,
gosains, etc., are using it less, because, although
they are little influenced by education, the price of
ganja is rising; and this tends to decrease of con-
sumption. I do not think that increased facilities
for obtaining spirits influence the consumption
much, for the classes that consume are different.
My experience has been chiefly in Chhattisgarh.
Only there has my attention been specially given
to the matter.

   Question 29.—Several fakirs and gosains
have told me that they find ganja loses its effect,
and they add dhatura. I think this is not com-
monly done. It is comparatively rare. Large
numbers of such classes use hemp drugs (90
per cent.); but the use of dhatura is comparative-
ly rare. I have seen dhatura put into a chilam of
a devotee, but cannot say what amount. I have
heard opium asked for. On inquiry also I learned
that it is used, but less frequently than dhatura.

   Question 42.—I have known persons who suffer
from rheumatism and gout. I associated the
rheumatism and bhang, because I have known
some who take bhang in the hot weather and
suffer from rheumatism in the rains. Also
because the first year a friend of mine took bhang
was also the first year he had rheumatism. The
general impression also is that bhang produces
rheumatism. That may be due to its being regard-
ed as a cooling drink. The remarks I make about
paralysis are based on what I have been told
regarding the effects of bhang, not of ganja, on
old people. I have no personal experience.

   Question 50.—I know cases of excessive smokers
who have become impotent, I know of some at
the age of forty or forty-five. My belief is
based on statements reported as made by those
who must have known the fact.

   Question 52.—I think that a large proportion of
bad characters are addicted either to hemp drugs
or to some intoxicants. As a clerk of court and
as magistrate, I have seen many accused persons,
and know that a large proportion use intoxicants.
Ganja is more used by the criminal classes than
other intoxicants because it is cheaper; but it is
less demoralising than madak, though more so than
liquor, which is weaker. I think many sadhus and
bairagis are of bad character.

   Question 55.—I have myself experienced this
stupefaction. Once at a Ganesh Chhaturthi feast
I smoked ganja (unwittingly) in a pipe of tobacco,
and was insensibly asleep for two hours. I could
have been robbed. I do not believe there was any
dhatura. I never heard so. I was told there had
been ganja put in the pipe. I have no recollection
of what happened at the entertainment. I smoked
tobacco then in. a chilam, and always swallowed
the smoke. I took three pulls at the chilam and
then felt insensible. I suffered from bronchial
trouble, and have been ordered to give up smoking
my tobacco through a chilam, I now smoke
cheroots, etc. I have never smoked ganja but that

   Question 59.—My general opinion is that hemp
drugs are harmful. I would have further restric-
tions. I would have repression of ganja and also
of bhang. If that is considered too drastic, I
would have further taxation: (a) to raise the price;
(b) to make the maximum 2 toles instead of
5; and (c) to reduce the number of shops. I
believe that such restrictions would not drive many
consumers to other drugs, for caste would be
against other intoxicants. Of course dhatura is
worse than ganja; but few would take to that

17. Evidence of BATUK BHARTHY, Superintendent of Kalahandi State.

   1. I have two sources for this information—first
from my official capacity as a Tahsildar in Central
Provinces, and in my youth from seeing my
relations and others use these drugs, bhang and

   2. Yes; these definitions can be accepted. But
bhang is locally called here kushambha, ghota,
phanki, and buti.

   7. No, not in this State.

   14. No, not in this State.

   19. No charas in this State is used. Besides
smoking, ganja is used in medicine. The name of
the medicine is módak. In this medicine, which
is prepared from sugar and mewas, such as almond,
kismis, cocoanut, etc., ganja is put, and then cakes
are made and eaten. In this State ganja is also
drunk like bhang. This medicine is taken by
well-to-do people.

   20. All classes smoke ganja, specially Paiks and
Katkis. Ganja in this State is smoked in towns
and large villages generally. The hilly (Kondhs)
and the low caste people who drink liquor seldom
or very rarely indulge in smoking ganja.

   21. Flat ganja is smoked in this State. No
ganja of other kinds is obtained here.

   22. No charas is used in this State.

   23. No, not in this State.

   24. Bhang is not eaten in this State, but it is
drunk. The Brahmins and other high castes drink
it. But I know by experience, both in Central
Provinces and North-Western Provinces, that in
the cold season many prefer to eat bhang by mak-
ing small balls, and they then swallow it.

   25. In this State the consumption of ganja
from 1884 to 30th September 1893 is as follows: —

  Quantity in
each year.
        Mds srs. ch  
From 6th Aug. 1884 0 21 8 It will appear from these
figures that ganja smoking
is gradually increasing.
The country is now opened
as roads have been made.
There is a belief among the
new-comers and also those
who have to live and work
in jungly or malarious
places that by smoking
ganja the effect of the bad
climate is removed. Hence
this increase.
 Ditto 1885 3 5 7
  Ditto 1886 4 22 0
  Ditto 1887 4 10 0
  Ditto 1888 3 18 8
  Ditto 1889 3 10 0
  Ditto 1890 3 32 0
  Ditto 1891 4 31 0
  Ditto 1892 5 32 0
  Ditto 1893 up
to Sep.
4 1 0