27. Table showing the classes from which each of (a), (b), (c), (d), are taken and their habits of life
and the circumstances which mainly lead to the practice.

Description of class. Name of class. Habit of life. Circumstances that led to the formation
of habit.
(a) Habitual moderate
Professional day-labourers,
such as breakers of stones,
They live on their daily labour. Excessive work and hard labour.
(b) Habitual excessive
Ascetics and the persons with-
out any occupation.
The former live on alms, and
the latter on bounty of their
relatives. The latter belong
to different classes of inferior
The former to concentrate their
minds on fixed object. The
latter on account of company.
(c) Occasional moderate
Few belong to respectable class
who cannot use liquor and
who associate with sadhus.
Among these must be consider-
ed spoiled children of well-to-
do persons on account of bad
(d) Occasional excessive
Low castes, such as Mehra,
Ghasias, Chamars, e'.c.
Menial service or occupation,
such as cutting grass, or syce,
For alleviating fatigue and a
desire to work more which I
think they can hardly accom-
plish by taking resort to such

   28. The average allowance and cost of ganja per
diem is as follows:—

   (a) From 3 mashas to 6 mashas, costing
from 3 pies to 6 pies.

   (b) From 6 mashas to 12 mashas, costing from
6 pies to 1 anna.

   29. Ordinarily tobacco is the ingredient of
ganja, but some people mix 2½ seeds of dhatura,
in order to increase intoxication. Admixture of
tobacco decreases the intoxication.

   Bhang massala consists of rose flowers, sonf,
kasni, pepper, sugar, unrefined sugar, khash-
khasha, keora, cucumber seeds and milk. These
are mixed during hot weather, and only pepper
during other weathers.

   30. The consumption of ganja is practised in
solitude. It is mainly confined to the male sex.
The children do not consume it.

   31. No, it is not difficult to break off, There
is a tendency in the case of ganja for the moder-
ate habit to develop into excessive.

   32. I did not come across any custom,
social or religious, in regard to the consumption
of ganja, but Shiva worshippers often use it, and
sometimes Vaishnwa. It is likely to lead to the
formation of the habit.

   33. The consumption of ganja is generally in
disrepute. There is no custom of worshipping
hemp plant as far as I have seen.

   34. No, the prisoners and the spoiled children
of well-to-do persons, who used to smoke ganja
before, can easily give up the habit of smoking
ganja if they are properly supervised. Of course
they will feel unwell for some time, but in the
end they give up this bad habit.

   35. It would be practicable to prohibit the use
of ganja. The people would give up smoking
ganja when they cannot procure it for their use.
It is not cultivated in Bastar. The prohibition
would not occasion any serious discontent among
the consumers. Such discontent in no way amount
to a political danger, as far as Bastar is concerned
The prohibition would be followed by recourse to
liquor to small extent and to opium to a large

   36. The consumers of ganja do not care a fig
for alcohol. I cannot say that alcohol is being
substituted for ganja.

   38. In my opinion the three different prepara-
tions of ganja have the same effect on the con-

   39. I don't think the smoking of the hemp
plant is in any way less injurious.

   40. Yes, it is used in the treatment of dysentery.
diarrhœa, etc., and also in that of cattle diseases.

   41. No, even moderate use is not beneficial in
its effect. It is not digestive. It gives staying
power under severe exertion and alleviates fatigue
temporarily, but when the reaction begins, the
consumers get weakened and intellects deadened.
It is not used as preventive of disease though the
people labour under wrong impression that it is

   42. I do not consider the moderate use of ganja
to be harmless, because the use alleviates fatigue
for a short time, but when reaction begins, the
consumers get weakened and the intellect deadened.
It develops into habit. It produces cough, petu-
lant temper, paleness on the face, and redness in
the eyes.

   43. Moderate consumers are inoffensive to their
neighbours, but its offensive smell is not liked,
and their company will spoil their children,
therefore the people do not like them as neigh-

   44. The immediate effect of the moderate use
of ganja on the habitual consumers is stimulative.
It gives power and is refreshing, and produces
intoxication. It allays hunger. Its effect lasts
for three hours. The want of subsequent gratifica-
tion produces uneasines, bodily pain, etc., and
longing for a repetition.

   45. Yes, It impairs the constitution. In no
way it will increase the appetite. It will cause
bronchitis or asthma. It will produce laziness and
habits of immorality. I do not think that its
moderate use will cause insanity, but this is the
question which does not fall within my province.
I have not seen its effect to such an extent.