Question.—You have not had any ganja consu-
mer under long-continued observation?


   Question.—On what ground do you state that
moderate use is harmless?

   Answer.—I have seen many consumers and
noticed no bad effects.

   Question 36.—We are told by other witnesses
that ganja is consumed by the lower classes. You
have made a different statement with reference to
classes who consume liquor and hemp.

   Answer.—I adhere to what I have said that in
this district the lower classes consume liquor, and
the higher the hemp drugs.

   Question 40.—You say that Indian hemp is
little used in native practice. What has led you
to that conclusion?

   Answer.—I have made enquiries and the state-
ment is correct for this district. So also I have
questioned villagers about the use of hemp as a
medicine for cattle.

   Question 41.—When you say it increases the
appetite, to what drug do you refer?

   Answer.—To both ganja and bhang.

   Question 42.—Have you used preparations of
hemp in your own practice? In what form?

   Answer.—Yes —tincture and extract.

   Question 46.—In the two cases of insanity you
have described, are you able to say that the insanes
had not indulged in alcohol or dhatura?

   Answer.—I am pretty confident that in the
second case nothing but hemp had been taken.
His people were very positive on the point. In
the first case also I am sure alcohol had not been

   Question 44.—In answer No. 44 do you refer
to ganja as well as bhang?


   Question. 46.—Could you not say that tobacco
as smoked in this country would also cause bron-

   Answer.—No; people do not seem to suffer in
the same way from tobacco.

   Question 46.—Do you attribute the paralysis of
the brain which is described in the first case under
question 46 to the use of hemp?

   Answer.—Yes; at the same time I have reason
to suppose that the insane had been given to sex-
ual excess as he was affected with a disease which
follows syphilis. I ascertained by enquiries from
persons who had treated the insane that he had
suffered in this way.

   Question.—Do you consider that hemp was the
exciting cause in these cases?

   Answer.—That is a difficult question.

   Question.—Do you think excess in hemp might
cause insanity in a man with healthy brain?

   Answer.—Yes; it might.

   Question.—On what do you base that opinion?

   Answer.—Structural change in the brain might
result from the excessive use of the drug. I do
not base this opinion upon any case actually ob-

   Question.—Can you refer to any recorded cases
in which structural change has been discovered
by post-mortem examination?


   Question 42.—You say you have no evidence
that the use of these drugs is other than harmless?
On what is this statement based?

   Answer.—I know several persons who take the
drug moderately without suffering in any way.

   Question.—You have made no experiment on
the subject?


   Question.—Can you refer me to any literature
on the subject?

   Answer.—The standard Looks on Materia Medi-
ca, and Chevers's Indian Medical Jurisprudence.

   Question 35.—On what do you base the state-
ment that sadhus do not become insane from the

   Answer.—I have had opportunities of observing
that class among the permanent residents at Man-

   Question 46.—How did you ascertain the fact
in the cases described in question 46, that the
men had been smokers of ganja for many years
and latterly to excess?

   Answer.—By enquiries from relatives and the
men's own statements.

   Question.—Were there any symptoms to indi-
cate the connection of ganja with these cases?

   Answer.—There were none.

   Question 47.—You state that the children of
excessive ganja-smokers are healthy. Is there no
physical deterioration in the smoker?


   Question.—Would not that be handed down to
the children?

   Answer.—I have not noticed it. My remark is
based on some half-a-dozen instances.

   Question 49.—Your opinion that the drugs are
not taken as aphrodisiacs is not in accord with
the general information?

   Answer.—The consumers inform me that the
drugs are not aphrodisiac. This is contrary to the
evidence of the book.

   Question.—You have not sought the opinions
of others than the consumers on this point?


   Question 56.—In the latter part of answer No.
56, do you refer to moderate doses of ganja admix-
ed with dhatura?

   Answer.—Yes; and I think the habitual use of
dhatura would have the effect even when used
with moderate doses of ganja. It is generally
used with excessive doses of ganja.

   Question.—Have you seen any cases of dhatura

   Answer.—I can recall two well-marked cases.

   Question.—Is there any resemblance between
cases resulting from ganja and those resulting
from dhatura?

   Answer.—Yes; they are generally all cases of
mania with similar symptoms.

   Question.—In the cases described in answer 46,
would you have accepted dhatura as the cause of
insanity if the history had indicated it?

   Answer.—I should have done so in the second