(c) By prohibiting cultivation and prescribing
severe penalties for introduction of the drugs into
British territory.

   (d) Not serious discontent, though there will
be a little discontent at the beginning.

   (e) No.

   (f) The lower classes will take to liquor in-
stead if they can afford it.

   36. No.

   37. They are different, Ganja brings on intoxi-
cation much sooner than charas smoking.

   38. I do not know.

   39. Smoking is more injurious than drinking
or eating.

   40. Native physicians prescribe them sometimes.
Bhang is used in treating cattle for certain speci-
fic diseases, such as colic and loss of appetite.

   41. (a) No.

   (b) Yes.

   (c) Yes.

   (d) No.

   (e) Labouring classes.

   (f) Moderate occasional.

   42. No; habit is generally formed by persons
who begin moderately at first.

   43. No.

   44. (a) Effect.—He would have a craving for

   (b) Yes.

   (c) A little intoxication.

   (d) No.

   (e) It creates appetite.

   (f) Effects of ganja last one hour; bhang,
three hours.

   (g) Weakness and lassitude.

   (h) No.

   45. (a) Yes. Ganja smoking produces idiotcy
and lunacy, as it affects the brain.

   (b) Yes.

   (c) No.

   (d) Yes; it causes dysentery and asthma.

   (e) Yes.

   (f) Yes; it produces insanity. It produces
violent insanity. In some cases the insanity is
permanent and in others temporary. Yes; after
liberation from restraint symptoms will be rein-
duced. The eyes become reddish and inflamed
and appear vacant. Spittle trickles from the
mouth. Yes; many have confessed that they be-
came insane through ganja smoking.

   (g) Cannot answer this question.

   46. It brings on insanity and causes loss of ap-
petite; it injures digestion and impairs the moral
senses, and leads to crime and immorality.

   47. It is not hereditary: it affects the children
of the consumer. The issue is weak and not

   48. The effects are worse than those described

   49. (a) Not known. (b) Not known. (c)
Not known. (d) It tends to produce impotence.

   50. Same as above.

   51. Most of the bad characters are ganja
smokers. One-third of the thefts and acts of
violence committed are due to the effect of ganja

   52. Excessive use leads to great " marpeets"
and many of the acts of violence for which offen-
ders are brought before the tribunals.

   53. Yes.

   54. Yes; when persons wish to commit crime
at night, they sometimes smoke ganja to keep
themselves awake during the night.

   55. Yes.

   56. I know of no cases where the effects are
modified by admixture. In cases of poisoning
dhatura seed is sometimes mixed with bhang or
ganja and administered.

   57. Do not know. These two drugs are not
generally eaten or drunk; they are smoked.

   58 and 59. It is capable of improvement. The
present contract system is objectionable. Govern-
ment should directly sell the drug to consumers
and consumers should be licensed. The more
respectable classes who consume the drug will be
too ashamed to take out licenses, and hence they
will give up consuming this drug.

   60. Not known.

   61. Charas not produced in Central Provinces.

   62. Not known.

   63. I object to the wholesale and retail sale as
at present made. The retail sale should be made
through Government agency.

   64. No; but none of these drugs should be im-
ported into the Central Provinces.

   65. It is reasonable, but the taxation ought to
be raised to an almost prohibitive pitch, that is,
if the cultivation of the hemp plant is not prohi-

   66. In the Central Provinces we have only the
flat kind of ganja, so there ought to be but one
rate, if at all.

   67. No special objections beyond what I have
already stated.

   68. No.

   The consumption should be in shops specially

   69. No; but the wishes of persons in the neigh-
bourhood should be consulted. Local opinion
should be consulted.

   70. Ganja is largely imported from Native
States into the Central Provinces, as foreign ganja
is cheaper than that cultivated in the Central Prov-
inces. Professional and habitual smokers more
or less purchase foreign stuff, and introduce and
smoke and sell the same in our territory.