22. Native charas is chiefly used.

    23. No.

    24. Marwaris and Mathra Chaubes in general,
and Pandits in particular, eat and drink bhang
according to their convenience.

    25. The use of ganja, charas and bhang is on
the decrease on account of their being dear, and
also for the tendency of the people towards local
and foreign liquor.

    26. Cannot answer this question.

    27. I have answered this question to some
extent in my reply to Question No. 24, but I
cannot say about the extent of habit of each.

    28. Cannot state this question definitely, as the
price varies in different districts and provinces as
well as in Native territories.

    29. In ganja, the ordinary ingredient is the dry
tobacco leaf, the exceptional ingredient is atar,
musk, cardamoms, cloves, mace, and nutmegs.
No; the dhatura is not so used.

    The object of these admixtures is to make
it palatable and more intoxicating. Yes, bhang
massala contains the following ingredients:—anise,
kasni, coriander, almond, cucumber seeds, lotus
seeds, opium seeds, rose flower, black pepper, carda-
mom, saffron, milk or curd, and sugar. Habitual
excessive consumers do sometimes mix dhatura
seeds. Generally during the Holi festival confec-
tioners in general, and house-holders in a few cases,
prepare majum by heating bhang with water and
ghee. The ghee when well boiled is taken out
and mixed with syrup, and again put on the fire
till it turns into a solid paste, which is artistically
cut into small pieces and eaten.

    30. To a great extent the consumption is prac-
tised in company. Yes; it is mainly confined to
the male sex and to adults.

    31. Yes; it is easily formed. Yes; it is diffi-
cult to break it off. Yes; it has a tendency to
develop into excessive habits.

    32. In the Holi festival of Hindus, bhang is
generally used as a religious drink in shape of
liquid, as well as majum and tali. In connection
with such custom it is not regarded as essential.
It is on such occasions generally excessive. No;
it does not lead to the formation of habit, but it
may prove injurious if taken in excess. I know
that the Bengali community of all classes use
bhang in liquid form in Dasera, when it is
commonly called Vijaya.

    33. The consumption of these drugs is generally
regarded by the people at large with indiffer-
ence. But persons habitually addicted to ganja
and charas are held in low estimation by the
community. Nothing except in the case men-
tioned in Answer 32. The use of any form of the
narcotic is generally held in disrepute, because it
deranges the brain, etc. No; there is no custom
of worshipping the hemp plant as far as I know.

    34. It will be a serious privation in case of
fakirs and ascetics performing penances, inas-
much as they think they cannot properly meditate
without it.

    35. It would be feasible. It can be consumed
illicitly if available. The prohibition can be
enforced by discontinuing the cultivation and
destroying the wild growth throughout India
No; the prohibition will occasion no serious dis-
content, nor is there any probability of a political
danger. Yes; the prohibition will be followed
for a time only by recourse to alcoholic drinks as
well as to other drugs, such as opium, etc., so far
as available.

    36. Yes; alcohol is now being, to a certain
extent, substituted for all these drugs, because
ganja, etc., produce stupor, while alcohol is exhi-
larating. We witness this transition in every-
day life.

    37. Charas is more strong than ganja.

    38. Round (baluchur) ganja is more intoxicat-
ing than its other preparations.

    39. Smoking of ganja and charas is more
injurious than eating or drinking of bhang, inas-
much as in the former case the smoke rising into
the brains deranges them and results into mad-
ness, etc.

    40. Yes; ganja and bhang are used in medi-
cinal purposes. They are also used in the treat-
ment of cattle disease,

    41. The moderate use of ganja, charas or bhang
is beneficial in its effects—

    (a) as a food accessory or digestive;

    (b) to give staving-power under severe ex-
         ertion or exposure or to alleviate fatigue.

    (c) as a febrifuge or preventive of disease in
         malarious and unhealthy tracts.

    The use of the drug for the above purposes is
not strictly confined to any class or classes of
people in particular. I refer to the moderate
use of the drug.

    43. They are not offensive.

    44. The immediate effect of the moderate use
of any of these drugs on the habitual consumer
is refreshing and productive of intoxication, and
creates appetite. The effect of intoxication lasts
at the most for two hours. The after-effects are
melancholy, stupor, and drowsiness. It does
produce longing and uneasiness.

    45. (a) No; if ghee is taken in sufficient quan-

    (b) Yes; it does if underfed.

    (c) No.

    (d) It does not cause dysentery, but it does
produce bronchitis and asthma.

    (e) It does impair the moral sense, and induces

    (f) No; in moderate use.

    46. A habitual excessive use of ganja and
charas deadens the intellect and produces insanity
of a temporary type, if the use of these drugs is
discontinued. If not, the effects of insanity
become permanent. The typical symptoms are—
(1) the pupil of the eye is dilated, (2) the insane
is harmful, and (3) appetite is lost. People suffer-
ing from mental anxiety, or brain disease, if habi-
tuated to these drugs, may find temporary relief,
but in the long run they must suffer from insanity.
In one instance I have seen a well educated young
man, by the excessive use of the ganja, subject to
temporary insanity. In another instance a man
suffering from mental anxiety could hardly find
relief unless he was under the effect of this intoxi-

    47. No.

    48. No. Excessive smoking affects the pro-
geny mentally.

    49. It is an aphrodisiac in moderate cases to a
certain extent. It is so used by prostitutes in
rare instances. The use is more injurious, inas-
much as it brings on general debility. It tends
to produce impotency in some cases.

    50. It is not an aphrodisiac. It is so used by
prostitutes in rare cases. The use is more inju-
rious in general debility. Excessive use produces