5. They say black cotton soil and islands
formed in the rivers.

    7. (a) Vadapalli, Koovur, and their adjoining
villages, and some villages in our district.

    10. They are of the same classes as other agri-
cultural cultivators.

    13. There is no restriction.

    14. There is preparation of charas.

    15. Ganja is prepared for smoking in the
following manner:—The smoker takes a few
charas or kallis, generally of the weight of one pie,
puts in the palm of one hand, mixes it with a
little water, and presses or grinds with the thumb
of the other hand, and then lets the superfluous
water, if any, drop; then mixes it with tobacco of
the weight of ⅓ pie, and puts the lump in the
chillum (smoking pipe made of earth), and also a
little fire, and inhales the smoke.

    16. Bhang is prepared in their houses, of ganja
leaves. Leaves of ganja plant, wild or otherwise,
are used in preparing bhang.

    18. For one year ganja keeps good; afterwards
its effects are gone.

    19. Ganja and charas (kallis) are used for smok-

    20. Brahmins, goldsmiths, Musalmans, Sudras.
They form very little proportion. Smokers are
found both in our town and villages of our dis-

    21. Flat ganja means seeds and leaves, which
is prepared here for smoking.

    22. Charas or kallis or flat ganja is imported to
this district from Daggupader in Kistna district.

    23. Bhang is never used for smoking, but very
poor people may do so sometimes.

    24. Very few drink bhang.

    25. Very little increase.

    26. (a) Great proportion.

    (b) Small proportion.

    27. Bairagis, sanyasis, fakir, vagabonds; re-
tired people. Indolence, or devotion to God, or
resignation of worldly pleasure leads to such

    28. (a) From one pie to half anna.

    (b) About one anna.

    29. Ganja leaves, dry ginger, pepper, poppy
seeds, cow's milk, all in equal parts, are the in-
gredients of bhang.

    30. In solitude the drug is used in limited
quantities, perhaps about the value of 6 pies; but
in company more—not less than one anna worth

    31. This habit is easy to acquire, and easy to
break off, and has a tendency to develop into the

    32. There is no custom (social or religious) in
our district regarding the use of any of these
drugs. It is generally temperate.

    33. The public opinion (social and religious) is
that the use of the drug is bad, and the consum-
ers to be looked down upon with disrespect. The
sentiment is due to the bad effects of the drug.
There is no custom of worshipping the hemp
plant here.

    34. It would be a serious privation to those
who are long accustomed to the drug, for they
get cough on breaking off the practice. The
number is small.

    35. Prohibition should never be enforced, al-
though there is no political danger by interfering
with the consumption and prohibiting people.
The prohibition would never be followed by re-
course to alcoholic stimulants. The drug would
be consumed illicitly. The only way of prohibit-
ing would be to publish pamphlets in the verna-
cular and explain to the people.

    36. There is no substitution of alcohol for this
drug in our district.

    38. Flat ganja has good effects, and consumers
generally buy flat ganja or kallis.

    39. Drinking (bhang) is less injurious than
smoking ganja.

    41. (a) They say digestive (bhang).

    (c) They say bhang prevents malarious dis-

    (d) Bhang prevents bad effects of unhealthy

    Bairagis and sanyasis use the drug with a
belief that they will not be subject, in their
wanderings from the Himalayas to Rameswaram
(Cape Comorin), to the bad effects of different
climates and waters. Moderate use will do

    42. Very moderate use of bhang is harmless,
for it improves appetite and prevents disease.

    43. Moderate consumers are quite inoffensive.

    44. The immediate effects of the use of bhang
is a little intoxication and improves the appetite.
Ganja smoking creates hunger and produces in-
toxication. The effect does not last long. Want
of subsequent gratification does not produce any
serious longing or uneasiness.

    45. (a) Moderate use does not produce noxious

    (b) No.

    (c) No.

    (d) Produces a little bronchitis.

    (e) Induces laziness, but not immorality.

    (f) Deadens intellect generally, but not per-
manently. As for insanity, the use of the drug is
not the sole cause. Generally the poverty of
the consumer and his previous indolent habits,
ignorance of sanitary rules, and such other things
are the causes. The consumer of the drug, if he
eats well, will be always strong and healthy.

    46. Excessive habitual use, if the consumer
has plenty to eat, does not injure him so much.

    49. The consumer of the hemp drug does not
become impotent, but the use being generally in
connection to devotion to God and other sacred
things, the consumer does not care for cohabita-
tion, but on the whole the drug has a tendency to
make them long for cohabitation.

    51. Moderate use does not bring about crime or
any special crime.

    52. Excessive use does not induce crime, but
the poverty of the consumer and his previous bad
character induce him to pilfer, but not to commit
any serious crime.

    53. I have never known or seen any person
incited to violent crime or homicidal frenzy.

    63. I have no objection to the present system,
wholesale or retail. Excessive consumers who are
found or certified by the doctors to have grown
mad, or stupid, or violent on account of the use of
the drug solely, may be put in jail for some time
till they forget the use.

    64. I have no objection either to exporting or
importing of the drug, but the educational depart-