in alleviating fatigue and as a preventive of dis-
ease in malarious and unhealthy tracts.

      I refer to moderate occasional use of it.

      42. These drugs, when taken moderately; prove
beneficial and do no harm.

      43. Of course they are inoffensive.

      44. Moderate use of these drugs would give
relief to those who walk long distances, and who
are tired on account of excessive work. It no
doubt creates a free, jovial and unshaken state of
mind for meditation. It is refreshing. It does
not produce intoxication. When it is mixed with
sugar, etc., it allays hunger temporarily. When
the drug alone is taken, it creates appetite. Its
effect lasts for about three hours. There will be
no after-effects. It does not produce any longing
or uneasiness.

      45. (a) No, nothing of that sort.

      (b) No.

      (c) No.

      (d) There will be a sort of remedy for the dis-
eases questioned.

      (e) No. It further creates activity in the man.

      (f) Never.

      (g) It will not give relief to persons suffering
from mental anxiety or insanity.

      46. When it becomes perfectly agreeable to the
constitution, it does no harm, whatever quantity
is taken. It is quite plain to say that no one
comes forward to use the drug when it does not
agree with his constitution. It does not create as
much temptation as alcohol for beginners. This is
as harmless as tobacco.

      47. No.

      48. It requires no discussion.

      49. Moderate use of these drugs practised as an
aphrodisiac, when strong and substantial food is
taken. The excessive use of this hemp produces
impotence if substantial food is wanting.

      50. No doubt it creates gradually impotence,
when it is excessively taken without sufficient

      51. None, on account of this drug.

      52. The same question is well discussed in
answering some of the previous questions.

      53. No.

      54. No. This drug does not bereave a man of
his senses.

      55. When this drug is alone taken, and when it
is prepared properly, it will not do any one any
sort of harm when it is taken moderately.

      56. No harm when taken moderately. It does
some harm when taken excessively, and when it is
not agreeable to the constitution. When it is
mixed with dhatura, it produces bad results.

      57. Yes, these are largely taken in cold climates.

      58. The present system of excise administra-
tion is working well and requires no improvement.

      60. This plant can well be cultivated wherever
strong soil is found.

      61. Charas is not cultivated in these parts.

      62. No modification is necessary.

      63. The sale can be managed in any way.

      65. I suggest that imposition of heavy taxes is
necessary, especially on alcohol, to put down this
malpractice, which has turned thousands of people
as drunkards.

      66. We know nothing about it.

      67. I have no objections.

      68. No.

177. Evidence of KOMMIREDDI NARASINGA Row NAYUDU GARU, Merchant, Coconada.

      1. Having had opportunities of seeing some
people who smoke ganja and with some knowledge
of native medicine, I answer the following ques-

      3. The hemp plant is grown in the private
compounds and fields to a small extent in the dis-
tricts of Kristna, Vizag and Ganjam, but it is
not abundant anywhere.

      14. Ganja is prepared in this country to a very
small extent, which is of a very inferior quality.

      16. Bhang is not generally used in this country.
It can be prepared wherever the hemp plant
grows. It must be picked when matured, dried
and used afterwards. No wild plant is procurable
in this country.

      19. Ganja is used mostly for smoking, and in
medicines and halvas to a small extent. It is
equally prevalent in towns and villages to a very
small extent.

      20. Some low class people and beggars smoke ganja commonly.

      24. No people of this country drink bhang or
use charas.

      25. The use of ganja for smoking is in the
same way as many years ago, and the use for halva
or medicine is on the decrease; but the use of
intoxicating liquors is on the increase.

      28. The cost of ganja is from three pies to one
anna a day to a habitual moderate smoker.

      32. No social or religious custom of distributing
ganja or bhang is in this country.

      33. The smoking of this drug is regarded as
disreputable. No public opinion (social or reli-
gious) is in its favour. No custom ci worship-
ping this plant in this country.

      39. Smoking is not considered in any way in-
jurious to health. No drinking or eating the
drug in its own form is prevalent in this coun-

      40. Native doctors of any school do not pre-
scribe the drug as medicine in its original form;
but the juice of the leaf and the decoction of the
ganja is used for preparing some medicine. It is
used for cattle diseases in a few cases.

      41. The use of ganja is beneficial to a little
degree in its effects.

      42. The moderate use of this drug is harmless.
I did not see any man behaving in a disorderly