to develop into excessive if the moderate habit is
not carefully observed.

    32. Some people accustom themselves to it by
associating with people who use it.

    Gosains and fakirs use it for religious purposes.
By devotees its use is considered essential. Sup-
presses sexual inclinations.

    33. The devotees worship this plant.

    34. The habitual consumers suffer from dragging
pains of legs and sleeplessness for want of the

    35. The prohibition of cultivation of this drug
creates discontent among consumers. The prohi-
bition may be followed by recourse to stimulants,
alcoholic or other.

    37. I know only of ganja. Bhang and charas
are not procurable here.

    38. I know only of round and flat ganja.
Round ganja is uncured and flat ganja is cured
stuff. Round ganja would not be as healthy as
flat ganja.

    39. In cold climates ganja is eaten raw. Some
eat ganja for the sake of more intoxication than
what is caused by smoking. Smoking is less in-

    40. (a) It is also used as medicine for dysen-
tery, or temporary relief for cough.
    (b) I do not know that it. is used for cattle

    41. If moderately used, it serves as a medicine
to remove effects of bad and different waters.
    (a) Gives good appetite and assists digestion.
    (b) Alleviates fatigue; removes water from
    (c) It serves as a preventive of malarious fevers,
    (d) Various sorts of preparation of ganja is
used for native medicines, called Lahams, hal-
    After a man becomes a jogi all classes use it.
Several family men use it occasionally. Women
use it frequently. Fakirs and bairagis use it fre-

    42. It is only beneficial for devotees if used
moderately. Moderate use is harmless.

    43. Moderate consumers do not have much in-
clination for sexual intercourse, and their passions
would subside, so they would never be offensive to
the neighbours.

    44. Intoxication is produced immediately after
its use by habitual consumers. It concentrates his
mind, keeps it steady and undeviating. It is re-
freshing. It produces moderate intoxication. It
promotes appetite. The effect lasts for three
hours. The man becomes quiet and free from
passions. Want of subsequent gratification pro-
duces longing. It may also produce bad effects
such as diabetes, etc., if it is given up by moderate'
habitual consumers.

    45. Habitual moderate consumers of ganja do
not turn weak as long as they eat well a sufficient
quantity of ghee and sweets made of ghee. It
produces bad effects on the mental qualifications of
men of business. They become slow and quiet in
thinking powers. Those who use ganja in moder-
ate doses become morally good characters.

    If sufficient ghee and strong food is not taken,
it impairs constitution. Immoderate use also pro-
duces bad effects.

    If immoderately used it creates dry cough, but
not asthma.

    It does not impair moral sense. It induces
laziness, but not immorality or debauchery.

    If immoderately used, it no doubt deadens in-
tellect and sometimes it produces insanity, some-
times temporary and sometimes permanent. The
bad effects of ganja can in some cases be cured by
administering lime-juce, honey and water.

    If raw ganja with seeds is used, it may be-
come poisonous.

    47. This does not create hereditary habit, nor
does it in any way affect their children.

    48. Habitual excessive use may produce various
bad effects—lungs, heart and liver may be affect-
ed; insanity, laziness, etc.

    49. Sometimes different forms of preparations
of the drug may be used as an ingredient in some
halvas, etc., to be used as an aphrodisiac; but they
do not, I believe, give effect. Females never use
it. Prostitutes also do not use it. Its use in any
form always injures the inclination for sexual

    51. (a) Some bad characters do not use this drug,
because it suppresses passions, creates timidness.
    (b) Habitual consumers, sometimes in a state
of intoxication, may take away things which do
not belong to him, whether with or without con-
sent of their owners. As timidity is produced,
habitual consumers of this drug do not commit
grave offences, as murders, robbery, etc. If habi-
tual smokers of ganja also use arrack, they dare do
any mischief.

    53. This drug alone does not incite to unpre-
meditated crime, violent or otherwise.

    54. These drugs are not used by criminals.

    55. No; it does not produce complete stupefac-
tion as alcohol.

    56. It is not mixed with dhatura for personal
consumption or for administration to others.

    57. People in cold climates eat much of ganja:
scarcely in other parts. It is used to keep them-
selves warm and intoxicated.

    60. Ganja is not publicly cultivated in this
country. It is only grown in some compounds.

    189. Evidence of ANGAPPA GONUDEN, Blacksmith, Salem.

    1.  I came acquainted with the mode of cultivat-
ing the (hemp) ganja plant some twenty-five years
ago. I have been ever since practising it.

    2.  Not known in these parts.

    This definition accurately applies to the ganja
known to me and in use generally here.

    There is only one kind of ganja known in these
parts, and that is flat ganja. It is made flat by
being subjected to heavy weights and not by being
trodden under foot.

    I have not heard of any but ganja. I know
ganja only. The plant from which this is bad is
called ganja plant. It is known here by no other