produced much sooner by the habitual excessive
use of ganja than by its moderate use.

   47. The habitual moderate use of ganja is not
a hereditary habit, and does not affect the children
of the moderate consumer.

   48. The longing for ganja is not hereditary,
and has no effect on the children of the excessive
ganja consumer.

   49. Ganja is used by some persons as an aphro-
disiac. It is so used by some prostitutes. The
use of ganja for this purpose is more injurious
than its use as an ordinary narcotic. It weakens
the human body, and consequently brings on im-

   50. The excessive use of ganja for the above
purpose sooner produces deleterious effects than its
moderate use.

   51. Of the bad characters, most gamblers are
moderate ganja-consumers. The general commis-
sion of crimes has no connection with the con-
sumption of ganja.

   52. Even in the case of excessive consumption
crimes are not committed.

   53. Even the excessive consumption of ganja
does not incite to unpremeditated crimes, and there
are no instances in which indulgence in ganja has
led to temporary homicidal frenzy.

   54. Criminals do not use ganja to fortify them-
selves to commit premeditated acts of violence or
other crimes.

   55. It is customary for criminals to induce their
victims to partake of ganja and so stupefy them
in order to further their bad designs. But com-
plete stupefaction cannot be induced by ganja
without admixture. Dhatura is mixed with it to
produce complete stupefaction.

   56. The effects of ganja used (a) in moderation
and (b) in excess, are not modified by the admix-
ture of other substances. Those who require strong
narcotics mix dhatura for their personal use or for
administration to others.

   57. Ganja is not eaten or drunk to any great
extent in this district, and hence no more inform-
ation than what has already been given can be

   58. The present system of excise administration
in respect of hemp drugs has been working well.

   59. Requires no improvement.

   60. Ganja is not produced in this district.

   61. Charas is not produced in this district.

   62. The cultivation of the hemp plant for the
production of bhang should be controlled by issuing
licenses for its cultivation and for the preparation
of bhang.

   63. There is no objection to the present system
of the vend of ganja.

   64. No objection.

   65. The taxation of ganja is reasonable with
reference to other intoxicants.

   66. It is not necessary that there should be
different rates of taxation for different kinds of

   67. There is no objection to the present method
of taxing ganja.

   68. There are no houses or shops licensed for
the sale of these drugs or their preparations, where
they may be consumed on the premises.

   69. Before a shop is opened in any locality the
wishes of the people are consulted Their opinions
are received through the mamlatdar of the taluka
in which the shop is to be opened. Local public
opinion ought to be given weight to.

   70. There are no facts regarding the smuggling
of hemp drugs from Native States into the dis-
trict of Dharwar.

Oral evidence.

   Question 1.—My personal experience is very
limited. I have seen a few smokers and no

   Question 29.—The matter of using dhatura is
not within my personal knowledge. I am told
that people who want much intoxication mix
dhatura: not the vendors.

   Question 45.—The cases here recorded have not
been under my personal observation. What I
have recorded about them is received from one
who was formerly a ganja smoker, and having
been punished for an offence did not resume the
habit on release. I can add nothing to the par-
ticulars given of these cases. I do not know that
the offence committed by my informant was con-
nected with ganja. He gave up the habit be-
cause it was broken by his long confinement and
for no other reason.

   Question 59.—I have served in Ahmednagar,
Satara and Poona, where ganja is cultivated.
It was fifteen years ago. The ganja is sold to
vendors in British districts. Cultivators can
only sell to such vendors. I do not think any of
it goes to Hyderabad; but I do not know con-
tractors could not send it without a permit.
Dharwar ganja comes from both Satara and

30. Evidence of RAO BAHADUR BAPUJI MAHIPAT KHARKAR, Kayasth, Huzur
Deputy Collector and Magistrate, 1st Class, Satara.

   1. My answers are based upon personal observa-
tions and local enquiries made in my official capa-
city as Huzur Deputy Collector and Magistrate,
1st class.

   2. The definitions of charas and ganja as given
here are applicable to this district. The term
bhang is restricted to what falls off in handling
ganja. Only the flat variety of ganja is prepared
and sold in this district.

   3. I do not know of any.

   4, 5 and 6. I do not know.

   7. The hemp plant is cultivated in the Satara
district for the production of ganja alone. About
300 acres of land are under cultivation in the
Khanapur taluka, and not more than 15 acres in
the Khatav and Satara talukas.

   8. There is no appreciable increase or decrease
in the area under cultivation.

   9. The soil for cultivating ganja is prepared
by putting proper manure therein till the Ashád
(about July). The preparation of soil is similar
to that for the cultivation of sugarcane. The
ganja seed is obtained at the rate of half to one
seer (local measure) per rupee, and it is generally

   Vol. vii.