28 As regards habitual moderate consumers—

Quantity. Cost.
Ganja One tola One anna to one anna and six
Charas One half tola One anna and six pies to two
Bhang One tola Three pies. The cost would
be increased if the drink
was made with different
spices. Three pies would
be the cost of the drink
with black pepper, which is
always used as an ingredi-
Garad One tola Two pies.

    As regards habitual excessive consumers—

  Quantity. cost:
Ganja Five tolas Five to seven and a half
Chants Three tolas Nine to twelve annals.
bhang Three to four
Nine pies to one anna. The
cost would be increased if
the drink was made with
different spices. Nine
pies to one anna would be
the cost of the drink with
black pepper, which is
always used as an ingredi-
Garda Three to four
Six to eight pies.

   29. (a) With ganja, tobacco. With charas,
tobacco. With bhang, mixed in water, black pepper,
sugar and poppy seed. With garda, mixed in
water, black pepper, sugar, and poppy seed.

   (b)With ganja, gurako. It may be mentioned
here that occasionally a smoker in place of
using the ordinary earthen chillum will scoop
out and make a pipe of a piece of sugarcane and
smoke from this implement. With charas, gurako.
With bhang, mixed in milk, almonds, cardamoms,
saffron, cucumber seed, melon seed, rose buds and
sugarcandy. With garda—garda is not used when
a costly drink is prepared.

   The poorer and habitual consumers use the
articles mentioned under (a), and the well-to-do
and occasional consumers the articles mentioned
under (b). Dhatura is never used with these
drugs in Bombay. It is said that by mixing to-
bacco or gurako with ganja and charas the
smoke tastes better; it makes it stronger, and en-
ables the smoker to expectorate any phlegm that
may be in his throat or in his lungs. It is
said that black pepper is always mixed with bhang
to prevent pains in the stomach. The other in-
gredients are used to make the drink pleasant to
the taste. These remarks also apply to garda.

   I do not know of any preparation of bhang
massala kept and sold for the purpose of being
mixed with any hemp drugs. The articles above
mentioned are the only ones known by me which
are used in this way.

   30. Ganja, charas and bhang are usually con-
sumed in company with friends. It is unusual
to consume these drugs in solitude. The con-
sumption of these drugs is mainly confined to the
male sex, and to persons aged from 20 to 40 years.
Young people and old people are infrequent con-
sumers of these drugs. It is most unusual for
children to consume any of these drugs.

   31. The habit of consuming these drugs is
easily formed if the individual consorts with
persons who use the drugs. There is some diffi-
culty in breaking off the habit, though no bad
effects physically follow if the habit is broken off.
A man who desires to break off the habit can do
so by not going into the company of persons
using these drugs, and by occupying his mind and
body. I know many instances in which persons
have broken off the habit of using these drugs.
There is a tendency in the case of these drugs for
the moderate habit to develop into the excessive.

   32. I do not know of any social or religious
custom requiring an individual to consume any of
these drugs. Bhang is daily offered to the god
Dawooji at the temple at Bholeswar. I do not
know whether this offering is essential to the
worship of the god. The bhang, which is usually
nicely made, is, after being offered to the god,
consumed by the temple people and visitors.
Bhang water is poured on Shiva linga on Mahi
Shivaratra, and sometimes on other occasions also.
I do not know whether the offering of bhang
water is essential or not in the worship of Shiva.
The custom of offering bhang to the god Dawooji
might lead to the formation of the habit in an
individual. It is customary among sadhus to
smoke ganja, and for religious Hindus to give
bawas ganja.

   33. The consumption of these drugs is gener-
ally regarded as a bad habit. I think there is a
public opinion in regard to the consumption of
these drugs, and that that opinion is that the
practice is a bad one, I think the consumption of
these drugs in all the forms in which they are used
is in disrepute. 1 do not know of any custom of
worshipping the hemp plant by any sects of the

   34. It would be a serious privation to consum-
ers of the drugs to forego consumption in the
first place; but after a time they would probably
look on the deprivation as a blessing. In the
case of sadhus it would be a serious privation to
deprive them of these drugs, as they are the only
comforts they enjoy in this world.

   35. In the island of Bombay I think it would
be feasible for Government to practically prohi-
bit the use of these drugs; but I cannot form an
opinion as regards places outside Bombay. If
these drugs could be had, they would be consumed
illicitly. Prohibition could only be enforced by
prohibiting the cultivation of the hemp plant.
Prohibition would at first occasion serious discon-
tent among consumers. In my opinion such dis-
content would not amount to a political danger.
I think that about half the number of consumers
would take to alcoholic drinks and opium, and the
other half would give up intoxicants.

   36. I think that at the present time alcohol is
to a small extent being substituted for these drugs.
I attribute the causes to fashion and the labour
necessary to prepare the hemp drug for consump-
tion. These opinions are the results of my observ-

   37. The only difference I know is that charas
is very much stronger in intoxicating effects than

   38. The intoxicating effects of flat ganja are
very much greater than that of garda on the

   39. The drinking of ganja or charas is more
injurious than smoking these drugs. Ganja and
charas are very strong, and by drinking them a
man completely loses his senses for the time.