is then used for eating. Roaming fakirs eat raw

  (c) Dry bhang is soaked in water, washed, pound-
ed, mixed with water, sifted and then drunk.
Dried or wet bhang covered over with 4 or 5 folds
of cloth is buried in hot ashes. It is left there for
about half an hour. Then it is taken out and
after undergoing the above process is drunk. This
is called Popo. Bhang is parched on an earthen
pan, and then drunk as above.

  16. It is not prepared in houses. It can be
prepared wherever the hemp plant is cultivated.
The wild plant is not produced here, hence
nothing can be said.

  17. In this country only Hindus and Mu-
hammadans, but a larger number of Muhammadans
use it.

  18. Yes; it deteriorates, i.e., it loses its intoxi-
cating effects. It keeps good for one year, after
which it gradually deteriorates. Ganja and bhang
can keep good for two years. As regards charas
I cannot say how long it will keep good with
ordinary care. It loses its effect in time. I do
not think any measures can be adopted to prevent

  19. They are used only in smoking, and are put
to no other use.

  20. Hindus and Musalmans about three-fourths
of them. In otaras, tikanas, madhis, and on shops
of some bakers. No special places are appointed
for it.

  21. Flat ganja is preferred. No special places
are appointed.

  22. No native charas is produced. It is import-
ed from Yarkand.

  23. Bhang is not used in smoking.

  24. No one eats bhang except in exceptional
cases mentioned under No. 15. It is drunk by
Musalmans and Hindus, about half of each of the

      No special places are appointed, but it is drunk in
otaras, madhis, tikanas, but these are not specially
appointed for the purpose.

  25. The use of charas and bhang is increasing,
for these drugs are liked by people. The use of
ganja is decreasing, for it is less intoxicating.
Charas-smoking produces heart-burning, makes the
semen thin, and sometimes weakens the manly
power, produces cough, asthma and dimness of
sight. The consumers of bhang mostly like it,
because it creates appetite, and gives prolonged
pleasure in copulation. The consumers of bhang,
after drinking it, smoke charas which gives them
great pleasure and then they are gay and merry.

  26. I cannot say anything about it.

  27. The consumers are chiefly taken from the
following classes—

  Sanyasis, jogis, attendants of prostitutes, otara
            fakirs, shikaris, dheds, mochis and other
            labouring classes. Bad company or debau-
            chery leads to these habits.

  28. I cannot say.

  29. Nothing is mixed with bhang in ordinary
cases, but in exceptional cases the following are
added:—Cardamoms, aniseed, succory, almonds,
nutmegs, mace, saffron, pepper, and coriander,
sugarcandy or sugar, pistachios. These are mixed
either for cooling purposes or to get prolonged
pleasure in copulation. Charas is sometimes
smoked mixed with a little opium, and ganja is
smoked with sandal wood powder mixed with it, so
that the smoking may produce more intoxication
and fragrance at the same time. Such a use is not
confined to any particular class. Any man of
means can do it. Dhatura is not mixed. The
massala is not sold with bhang. If a man wishes
to mix any ingredients, he can buy them from a

  30. I cannot say. Persons of all ages, young
or old men or women. Boys above ten years of
age are in the habit of using them.

  31. The habit is easily formed in bad company.
If the consumer wishes it, he can break off the
habit gradually, decreasing the quantity, provided
he avoids bad company; otherwise it is very diffi-
cult to break off. There is not a single excessive
consumer who cannot take care of himself while
under its influence.

  32. There is no religious custom, but there are
social customs connected with the drinking of bhang.
The Musalmans use it in mahram, on marriages,
mournings and festivals. The Hindus use it in
sangats, pangats and on occasions of festivals.
Its use is considered essential on such occasions.
The use of bhang on the above occasions is mode-
rate and not excessive. It is probable a habit may
be formed, but it is not in any way injurious.

  33. The consumers like the use of drugs, but
its use is not liked by sufis (non-consumers of in-
toxicating drugs). There is no social or religious
opinion about the practice. In my opinion the
use of the narcotic in any form is disreputable.
The hemp plant is not worshipped in this province.

  34. It would be a serious privation to consumers
to forego the use of the drug they consume, i. e.,
he would fall ill, would have no appetite, would
get no sleep; but if the use is gradually decreased
it is likely that its use can be foregone altogether.
I cannot give any idea of the probable numbers
of each class.

  35. Its use cannot be prohibited. It would be
illicitly consumed. It would be difficult to enforce
the prohibition. The prohibition would doubtless
occasion discontent among the consumers. The
discontent would not in my opinion amount to
political danger. Government revenue will suffer.
The prohibition would not be followed by recourse
to alcohol, but it is likely that other narcotic drugs
would be used which would be injurious in other

  36. Alcohol is not substituted for bhang or
charas or ganja.

  The intoxicating effects of charas are imme-
diate and heating while those of ganja are not
immediate and are cooling.

  38 and 39. I cannot say.

  40. Physicians prescribed old bhang in gon-
orrhœa, for free urme, and it proves beneficial.
Bhang is prescribed in other diseases too. Bhang
is used in other medicines also. But as far I
know, physicians do not prescribe charas or ganja
in any disease. I cannot say what medicines are
used in the treatment of cattle diseases.

  41. (a) Only bhang.

  (b) Bhang gives staying-power under severe
exertion; charas under exposure; but charas or
ganja never alleviate fatigue.

  (c) No.

  (d) I cannot reply to this.

  42. The moderate use of bhang is not injurious,
for it creates appetite, aids the powers of diges-
tion, is beneficial in gonorrhœa. But even the
moderate use of other drugs is not beneficial.

  43. No, it is the humble plant.