once. Charas lasts for four years. Ganja should
be ærated, but not exposed to sun or rain.

   19. Ganja and charas are used only for smoking
purposes. Tobacco is mixed with ganja when
smoking and goodakhoo (a preparation of tobacco
and jagri) while smoking. Charas is used in
Hindustan. In this province only ganja is used.

   20. Rich classes and Kayaths in Hindustan
greatly make use of charas. It is a costly thing.
As ganja could be procured cheaply, so mendicants,
such as fakirs, gosains, largely make use of it.

   21. Only flat variety of ganja is procurable
here, and so it is used here. Round variety is not
procurable here.

   22. No charas is used here.

   23. Bhang is never used for smoking, but only
for drinking purposes.

   24. Well-to-do people use bhang for drinking.
This is a cooling beverage and generally used in
the hot season.

   25. It is neither on increase nor on decrease.
The use of these depends on the means of persons
who are addicted to their use.

   26. (a) 25 per cent. of the consumers.

        (b) 5 per cent. of the consumers.

        (c) 69 per cent. of the consumers.

        (d) 1 per cent. of the consumers.

   27. Habitual moderate consumers, habitual
excessive consumers and occasional excessive con-
sumers are mostly gosains, fakirs, ascetics, etc.
Middle class men, when they accidentally approach
the smokers, partake of it out of fancy. Gosains,
fakirs, and ascetics smoke ganja to make them-
selves impotent, and to forget other worldly plea-
sures by being partially or wholly stupefied by
the influence of these drugs.

   28. (a) One anna per diem.

        (b) Four minas per diem.

   29. (c) Tobacco is ordinarily mixed; (b) excep-
tionally arsenic, nux vomica, and dhatura are
mixed. In Berars bhang massala is not prepared
for sale. It is procurable in Hindustan. Carda-
moms, cloves, sweet almonds, and sugar form the

   30. Ganja is smoked in company, and so also is
bhang drunk. It is generally used by the male
class. In Hindustan children are given bhang in
the form of a beverage. Those above ten years
generally use the drug.

   31. It is easily formed by society, but difficult
to break it. There is a tendency to develop into
the excessive use.

   32. There is no custom in this part of the pro-
vince, social or religious, in regard to the consump-

   33. Hemp plant is not worshipped by any class
of men here. But on occasions of religious cere-
monies, such as the feast of "Khandoba," "Maha-
sheo Ratri," it is offered to the persons addicted to
use them. The social opinion is in favour of
moderate use of ganja and bhang. Excessive use
of the said narcotic substance has made it to fall
into disrepute.

   34. If persons accustomed to the use of the said
narcotic substance are deprived of the use of it,
they will lose their energy and behave like a mad
man. This is applicable in the case of moderate
and excessive consumers.

   35. It is feasible to prohibit the use of these
drugs. It can be consumed illicitly. The prohi-
bition can be enforced by the strict regulation of
the law. In this taluk there would be discontent
to a small extent among the consumers, but that
would not result into any political danger; the
prohibition of that substance would not be followed
by the use of other alcoholic substance.

   36. Alcohol is not used for these drugs as a

   37. Charas is not used here, but the intoxication
produced by smoking charas is very strong and
lasts long, namely, for a couple of hours.

   38. Chur and round ganja are never sent for
and used in this taluk.

   39. Drinking the preparation of hemp plant is
less injurious than smoking the same. The drink-
ing bhang keeps the body cool and healthy.

   40. Native doctors prescribe it for medicinal
purposes, chiefly for persons suffering from vene-
real disease. They also prescribe ganja smoking
to persons bitten by venomous reptiles.

   41. Moderate use of ganja and chards is bene-
cial to digest food, to alleviate fatigue, and to
prevent disease in malarious and unhealthy tracts.
The labouring classes, gosains, ascetics, and fakirs
make use of these drugs in large proportions, while
persons belonging to higher class make use of it in
a very small proportion as luxury. Moderate
occasional use is better than its habitual use.

   42. Smoking is not beneficial nor harmless if
they do not use substantial food.

   43. They are quite inoffensive to their neigh-

   44. It has got refreshing effects immediately on
the habitual consumers by its moderate use. It
allays hunger in case of habitual consumers, and in
case of occasional consumers it creates appetite.
Its effects last about two or three hours and bring
on jolly temper. It produces longing and unea-
siness on the minds of habitual consumers if their
want is not sufficiently gratified.

   45. It produces noxious effects, namely, mental,
moral, and physical. It impairs constitution. In
case of habitual moderate consumers it causes loss
of appetite. It produces asthma, but I do not
know about dysentery or bronchitis. It impairs
the moral sense, induces laziness, and to acquire
habits of immorality. It deadens intellect and
makes a man dull. It produces a sort of madness.

   46. It impairs the system very much. The
consumer becomes very weak and exhausted, and
he cannot manage without an excessive dose, and
his power of intellect suffers.

   47. It does not affect the children in any way,
and it does induce hereditary habit.

   48. The children of the habitual excessive con-
sumers are very weak. It is not hereditary even in
this case.

   49. Moderate use of bhang is practised by males
as an aphrodisiac. Prostitutes do not use bhang
as an aphrodisiac, but smoke ganja as a vocal
stimulant. It is more injurious when taken as an
aphrodisiac because it taxes the sexual organs
more than under ordinary circumstances. Moder-
ate use does not produce impotence.

   50. Excessive use of ganja is practised by
gosains, fakirs, etc., as an aphrodisiac and to avoid
cold and fatigue, etc. It tends to produce impo-

   51. Some of the bad characters are habitual
moderate consumers of ganja. Some other ganja
smokers when they are short of money pick pockets