or eight years owing to the rule requiring such
cultivators to obtain a license for hemp cultivation.

   9. Ganja seeds do not germinate if sown by
themselves. They are, as a rule, mixed up with
the seeds of ambadi (Hibiscus cannabinus) and
then sown. This ensures a good crop. The soil
should be well manured and the seeds sown about
the time of sowing cotton (June or July).

   10. They are of the same class as other culti-

   11. I don't know. The seeds are imported from
Khandesh, and I can't say if these are of wild hemp
or not.

   14. Ganja and bhang are the only two products
prepared in Berar. But I can't give the locality
nor the extent.

   16. Yes; bhang can be and is generally prepared
by the people in their houses. Yes; bhang can be
prepared from the hemp plant wherever grown, also
ganja. But I don't know about charas.

   17. Not restricted to any particular classes.

   18. Ganja and bhang do not deteriorate for two
years or so, but lose their effect entirely afterwards.
I can't give any cause for deterioration. I don't
Know any special measures.

   19. Ganja is mixed up with some kind of dal
and made into pies; some prepare dishes with

   20. Ganja is mostly smoked by sadhus and
others who have to travel much. Also those who
can't afford to drink or take opium, smoke ganja.
I can't say anything about charas.

   21. So far as I know, round ganja is preferred
for smoking.

   24. There is no particular difference. Those
who drink also eat. Generally Marwaris and
Brahmins, who are prohibited from drinking liquor,
eat or drink bhang.

   25. It has increased. I say this from the rise
in the price of ganja within the last ten years or
so. Formerly only the old and grown up people
used to partake of the drug, but now even boys
also take it.

   29. Tobacco is ordinarily mixed with ganja. I
don't know of any other. Dhatura is also mixed,
but only by those who wish for a strong smoke
having narcotic effect. Tobacco is mixed to soften
the effects of the ganja. I don't know bhang

   31. Yes; it is easily formed. It is difficult to
break off. I can't say about the development into
excessive habit.

   39. I have noticed that those who eat and drink
ganja or bhang are healthy and in better condition
than those who smoke. But I can't give reasons.

   40. I don't know.

   41. I don't know. But bhang helps digestion
and increases appetite.

   68. There are shops, but I can't form any

9. Evidence of MR. A. ARDAGH, Deputy Superintendent of Excise, Ellichpur.

   1. Served in the Bombay and Berar Excise
Department for the past fourteen years.

   2. There is only one kind of ganja made in the
Berars (flat). Bhang is not specially prepared, but
the chur or chura (broken ganja dust) which accu-
mulates in the course of trade is called bhang. No
charas is collected in the province.

   3. No district.

   4. Don't know.

   5. Cannot say.

   6. Don't know.

   7. (a) Yes.

   (b) No.

   (c) No; small leaves of the plant round the
buds which fall while being prepared or in course
of trade are known and used as bhang in this
province, but said not to be so good as that specially
cultivated and obtained from the male plant.

   (d) No. It is cultivated in the Akola and
Amraoti districts. Extent not known personally.

   8. and 9. Have no knowledge.

   10. Generally cultivated by malis, who are able
to distinguish male from female plants.

   11. Not known.

   12. None.

   13. Yes; by fees having to be paid to Govern-
ment and licenses taken out, but not to any district.
At present it is grown only in the Akola and
Amraoti districts, but they were not selected by
Government. I do not know anything about the
conditions of soil, etc., for cultivation of hemp.

   14. (a) Yes.

   (b) No.

   (c) No, not specially.

   In the Akola and Amraoti districts.

   15. Ganja is made by picking off the flowering
tops of the plants; placing them in small bundles
on the threshing floor, and driving bullocks round
and round over them to be trodden flat.

   A. Ganja is prepared for smoking by picking
off the buds from the stock, triturating them
in the palm of the hand with water and pressing
out the water. This process is repeated till the
water runs clear; the resinous substance left is
then mixed with tobacco and smoked in an ordinary
country pipe (chillum).

   B. Bhang is prepared by the leaves being
washed, dried on a fire in an earthen pan, triturated
and mixed with black pepper, spices, etc. according
to taste or means; and, a quantity of this being
taken into the month, is washed down or swallowed
with water.

   C. For drinking it is washed, then finely ground,
then mixed with water or milk, strained, and the
fluid is mixed with sugar, spices, etc.

   16. No, bhang is not prepared specially in this
province, but the small leaves which fall from the
dried buds are sold as bhang. Actually it is chura
and not bhang. It can be prepared from the plant
wherever grown. Cannot say if ganja and charas
can be prepared from the wild plant.

   17. For smoking, drinking, and eating by the
sadhus, bairagis, gosains and fakirs generally, and
also by others addicted to its use.

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