37. The effects of both are same, but the charas
is worse, as it is stronger.

   38. The effect of round and flat ganja is just
the same, but effect of chur is slight.

   39. Smoking is more injurious than drinking
and eating, because the smoking affects the con-
stitution sooner than drinking or eating.

   40. Yes, it is used as medicine and. also for

   41. No, it is not beneficial at all.

   (a) No.

   (b) Yes, for a time being to a habitual smoker
or drinker.

   (c) and (d) No knowledge.

   42. The moderate use of these drugs is not
harmless, because by moderate use it leads gener-
ally to excess.

   43. Yes, they are inoffensive.

   44. Slight intoxication to the habitual consum-
ers. Yes, for time being only it is refreshing.
Yes, it produces intoxication. Yes, it puts a stop
to hunger gradually. No, it does not create good
appetite. Moderate effect from one to two hours,
and excessive for a longer time. Yes, dullness is the
after-effect. Yes, excessive smokers are inclined to
smoke some more; without that they cannot do.

   45. Yes, it affects physically on the liver, lungs
and brain; diminishes mental power. Yes, it does
impair the constitution. Yes, it causes indigestion
and loss of appetite gradually. It causes bron-
chitis and asthma. Yes, it does impair morality
and induce laziness. Yes, it deadens the intellect
and produces insanity if taken in excess. No
knowledge of type; cannot say temporary or

   49 and 50. Yes, it produces impotence after a
long time.

   51 to 51. No knowledge.

   55. Yes, they induce their victims to partake of
drugs to further their design. Complete stupefac-
tion can be effected without any admixture only
to people who are not in habit at all.

   57. To my knowledge ganja and charas are
never eaten or drunk, but only smoked.

   58. Yes, it requires improvement.

   59. To whole Berar province cultivation of these
drugs should be lessened by heavy license fees;
also on import, export, and on wholesale sale; and
for retail sale the maximum quantity should be
fixed to the lowest quantity.

   60. It should not be allowed to be sold whole-
sale by any cultivator to any wholesale purchaser
without a permit from a competent Government
authority, as well as cultivators should not retain
the crops without license, and a heavy fee should
be levied on cultivators; also retail sale license to
be granted to respectable person or party for each

   61. No charas is produced in this province.

   62. Yes, same as No. 60.

   63. Same as answer to No. 59.

   64. Same as answer to No. 60.

   65. Intoxicating drugs such as bhang, ganja,
and charas are cheaper than opium and alcoholic
liquor, because one anna worth of liquor would not
give satisfaction to a quarter anna worth of ganja
and charas consumer; so there is no objection to
taxation being increased on these drugs.

   66. No, it should be in equal.

   67. In my opinion there is no objection to the
present method of taxing.

   68. Licensees are not allowed by the license
granted to them to allow consumers to consume
drugs on the premises, and such method should
be continued to prevent facilities for habitual smok-

   69. No, people are not consulted, and they ought
to be consulted to know the reason whether in
favour of these drugs or against, whatever it may

   70. No. Yes, duty is paid. No.

11. Evidence of WAMAN GANESH, Tahsildar, Wun.

   1. I am answering the questions regarding the
matters relative to ganja from the information
obtained from the contractors and. those who
smoke ganja in this taluk.

   2. The definition of ganja given by Dr. Prain in
his report of 21st June 1893 is correct. In this
taluk ganja is known by three different names—
ganja, bhang and charas. But it seems that cha-
ras is not received in this taluk, nor seen by any
one. Only it is heard by name. The definition
of ganja and bhang given by Dr. Prain is accepted
by all; but, in fact, as there is no cultivation of
ganja in this taluk, nothing can be said positively.

   3. Ganja does not grow in this country at all,
nor can it be positively said in what districts it
grows. But from the information received it can
be said that ganja is always imported in this
taluk from Khandwa, and from this it seems that
ganja might be growing abundantly in the
district of Khandwa, province Nemad.

   4. Ganja is known in this taluk by two differ-
ent names-ganja and bhang. Ganja is prepared
from the buds of the trees, and bhang from their
dried leaves. These two are obtained from one

   5. As there is neither ganja cultivation nor
natural growth of jungli ganja, nothing can be
said for certain what sort of climate and soil are
congenial to the growth of ganja.

   6. Nothing can be said about the growth of
jungli ganja being dense or scattered only, because
it does not at all grow in this taluk. But some
men who had been to Haridwar say that there is
jungli ganja in that district, and it grows densely
like tarota.

   7. In this taluk ganja is neither cultivated for
production of ganja nor bhang, nor chains, nor
for its seeds. Though Government allows the
cultivation of ganja on payment of Rs. 10 per
acre, still nobody has cultivated. it till now.

   8. Nobody has at any time cultivated ganja
in this taluk in his fields, nor is it in practice to
do so. Only those who smoke ganja were in the
habit of cultivating some plants in their private
compounds. But even that is now put a stop to,
as it has been disallowed by Government.

   9. As there is no custom of ganja cultivation
in this taluk, nobody can mention the method by
which it is cultivated. In Moglai time it was