custom among the gosains to convert every disciple
into a ganja smoker, being a formal initiation into
the religious sect.

   36. As ganja smoking has a tendency to under-
mine the health, young men of the lower classes
are carefully eschewing the habit of smoking
ganja. The increased consumption of arrack and
toddy points to ganja smoking being gradually
superseded. Men who have been in the habit of
smoking ganja for the last ten years give it as
their experience that they do not see any steady
increase in their number of ganja smokers.

   37. Charas is not procurable in this district,
and hence not used by the people. It is not
known if there is any difference in ganja and
charas smoking. There is no difference in the
narcotic action produced by bhang from ganja

   39. Ganja smoking has a greater tendency to
affect the health than the using of bhang or bhang
massala as a drink. Ganja smoking is taken into
the lungs and speedily produces its narcotic action,
Bhang and bhang massala being taken as a drink,
and that often with milk, the dilution weakens
the narcotic action, and hence has a less tendency
to affect the constitution. Excessive ganja smok-
ers are often the victims of insanity.

   40. No. Not known. No information can be
obtained on the subject.

   41. The moderate use of ganja and bhang are
beneficial in their effects, as detailed in (a) to (d).

   42. The moderate use is both beneficial and
harmless. There are men who have been in the
habit of smoking ganja from adult to old age, and
have not bodily suffered in any way, but give it as
their experience that moderate smoking has often
removed fatigues and stayed the pangs of hunger.

   44. The moderate use of the drug, even on the
habitual consumer, is refreshing and intoxicating.
It allays the pangs of hunger and creates appetite.
The effect of intoxication lasts for an hour. If used
in moderation there are no after-effects. The want
of subsequent gratification does not produce a
longing or uneasiness.

   45. The habitual moderate use of ganja or bhang
is in no way detrimental to the consumers; on the
contrary, it is beneficial. I give this as my ex-
perience, and as the experience of men who are in
the habit of using ganja in moderation for periods
varying from ten to twelve years.

   46. The excessive habitual use of ganja is highly
detrimental to the consumer. Physically the
habitual is rendered weak and emaciated. His
intellect also becomes weak and clouded, while his
moral feelings are blunted. The constitution of
the habitual is highly impaired. He is weak and
emaciated, with a tendency to develop tubercle in
his lungs. (c) Yes. (d) Causes bronchitis and
asthma. (e) Yes; induces laziness. (f) No. Pro-
duces temporary insanity, and is the exciting cause
of such temporary insanity. Type: like a case of
acute mania. Temporary; yes. The chief symp-
toms are ungovernable fury, great restlessness,
want of sleep, dilated pupils, refusal of all food,
talks ramblingly and incoherently; a busy delirium
being present. There is also a sense of dread and
suspicion. Besmears his excreta about his cell
walls. (g) Not known.

   47 and 48. No.

   49. Ganja does not possess any aphrodisiac
action on the consumer; but, when mixed with
a small quantity of crude arsenic, it does produce
an increased desire for sexual action. (b) No.
(c) No. (d) No.

   50. Ganja to the excessive habitual consumer
acts not as an aphrodisiac, but has a marked ten-
dency to produce impotency.

   56. Hemp in moderation used with tobacco is
not injurious. In excess, mixed with dhatura or
opium, it is highly detrimental to the consumer.

   57. Ganja and charas are never eaten or drunk.

   In conclusion, the moderate use of ganja, bhang
or bhang massala is, in my opinion, highly benefi-
cial to those who use the drug. It wards off
fatigue, allays hunger, and produces a certain
amount of happiness. Those using bhang massala
benefit by it, as the preparation is taken with milk,
the nutritive action of the milk being beneficial to
the consumer. The drug being cheap and speedy
in its action as a narcotic, does not drain the purse
of the smoker, and hence does not produce any
demoralisation so far as the consumer or his family
are concerned. A moderate smoker is never known
to be riotous or uncontrollable. He is happy in
his own way, and is a peaceful citizen. I should
certainly prefer to see the natives of India take
their moderate dose of hemp in the chillum twice a
day than give up the practice to become consumers
of arrack or other ardent spirits.

22. Evidence of DR. J. MORRISON, Civil Surgeon, Yeotmal.

   1. Very little.

   2. Yes. Bhang, ganja, and charas; latter not
sold here.

   19. No charas sold or used. Ganja used for
smoking as well as being made into bhang for
drinking. Bhang is used only by a few people,
e.g., Pardesis and Marwaris, as a cooling drink in

   23. Not so used.

   28. Half a tola daily of ganja for habitual
moderate consumers, cost 0-0-3; 1½ tolas for exces-
sive consumers, cost 0-0-9. Charas not used.
Bhang used moderately in summer by a few only.
Can't say cost.

   29. Tobacco is ordinarily mixed with ganja for
smoking. No bhang massala sold here.

   30. No experience. Mainly confined to the
male sex. Not usual for children to consume any.

   31. Habit easily formed; difficult (when un-
restrained) to break off. Yes, the tendency is to
develop into the excessive.

   32. Am not aware of any such custom.

   36. I have no reason for so thinking.

   37. Charas not sold here. Cases of acute mania
have been attributed to ganja and charas smoking.
Have not heard of bhang causing such disease.

   39. Smoking ganja and charas is said to be
more injurious. I, however, have no experience in
this matter. Two cases of temporary mania have
come under my notice, said to have been due to
smoking ganja.

   40. Charas and ganja are prescribed by native

   41. I do not consider that the use of any of
these may be of use either as a food. accessory, to
give staying-power or as a febrifuge.

      vol. vii.

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