( 2 )

For when the fair Monthermer's ſeen,
And Spencers matchleſs Face and Mein,
Her more than heavenly Eyes.

And charming Rialton appears,
With Bridgwater to Gild the Sohears;
And all Mankind ſurprize.

Nature ſtands ſtjll,
And has no will,
Or Power, but to Gaze.

Add wonders at
The Beauties, that
She made ſhould her amaze.

For tho in every Age do ſhine,
Clelia's or Portias Divine;
Some Lucrece, or Mohun.

As they did different Ages bleſs,
Much greater is our Happineſs,
With four ſuch Flowers in bloom.

Theſe who can praiſe
With equal Lays.
Alas, we are not fit,

But none ſhold join
Beauties Divine,
With thoſe, not Grac'd with it.

If Stella's, Sacariſſa's Names,
Immortal made by Waller's Strains;
And Godlike Sydney's Song.

None elſe er'e dar'd ; preſume to praiſe,
Then Hallifax his Voice ſhould raiſe,
Leaſt others do THESE Wrong.

Printed for the Bookſellers of London and Weſtminſter. 1707.
                 Price 2 d.