A Strange and Wonderful Relation of
the Appearance of Four M E N in
the Skey, 2 of 'em with Miters, the o-
ther 2 with Blue-Bonnets, which was ſeen
on Tueſday Night laſt, being the 29th of September, 1713. be-
tween the Hours of 10 and 11 of the Clock. To the Admi-
ration of ſeveral Spectators, viz.

FIrſt, there appear'd Two Men coming from the Eaſt with
Miters on their Heads, and Streamers out of their Mouths,
with theſe Words wiirten in Gold Letters on their Streamers.
We are for Monarchy, Epiſcopacy, Re-
ligion and our Country, We approve of the late
happy Peace, and deſire the Continuance of
if, We are for Obedience to our Queen,

and doing Juſtice to our fellow Subjects in
the enſuring Parliament.

The other Two appear'd directly North, and had Blue Bonness
On, with Streamers out] of their Mouths, with theſe Words
written in Black Letters.
We Sirs, [Bowing] deſire your Votes, we
have ſerv'd you as well as we cou'd for theſe
Nine years paſt
, We have got you a H'ork or
Poor-Houſe Erectted, which is no Charge to
you, for it is paid out of your Miniſters
Money, ſo, that no Beggars do trouble the
Streets or your Houſes we have like wiſe got
you a Balleſt-Office, by which means, you have
Coals and all ſorts of Goods imported, not a-
hove 2
ſhillings in 20 dearer than you had be-
fore that Act was made
: So that we Sirs,
are ſure you will approve of our good Services,
for We have got beneficial Places in the Bal-
laſt-Office and Poor-Houſe, for ſome of our
own Stamp, that will Stand kick, and cuff a-
the Miter or Lawn ſleeves.

Then the Two MEN that appear'd in the Eaſt, made
up to the North, On which there was a great Noiſe of Thunder;
And a Cloud of Darkneſs arriſing about the Two M E N with
the Blue Bonnets; They immediately fell down. One of 'em was
taken up in Caſtle-ſtreet, and the other in Warbroughs ſtreet,
And may be ſeen every Night at the Scotch Ambaſſadors on the
Comb from 6 to 10, and at the Change from 12 to one of the

                                     From Annareby and Blue Bennets
                                                     Libre nos Domini,
                                                 Your Servant, J. Maclatcby