4. Surgeon-Colonel Bovill, witness No. 109, in answer to question 45 says: "The
habitual moderate use of bhang appears to produce no ill-effects, and in many cases that
of ganja is equally harmless.

       5. Behari Lal Pal, witness No 127, did not answer question 42.

       6. Mir Kumar Ali, witness No. 130. Question 45: "Habitual moderate use of ganja
or bhang does not produce any noxious effect, physical, mental, or moral, but such use
of the former (ganja) impairs the constitution in some way or other."

       In answer to question 46, refers to excessive use only.

       7. Bijoy Rutna Sen, witness No. 151, says: "The moderate use of ganja and charas
is only noxious under certain circumstances."

       8. Ganga Prosad Sen, witness No. 152. Evidence same as that of witness No. 151.

       9. Trailokya Nath Majumdar, witness No. 140, does not answer question 42.

       10. Prasad Das Mullick, witness No. 141, says in answer to question 42: "The
moderate occasional use is harmless, except to those who are predisposed to insanity."

       11.Nimai Charan Dass, witness No. 142 in answer to question No. 42 says: "I think
moderate use is not injurious if taken internally for medical purposes."

       12. Assam.—Surgeon-Major Macnamara, witness No. 20, says, in answer to question
45, that he cannot define moderation.

       13. Dr. Macleod, witness No. 23, does not answer question 42.

       14. Dr. James McNaught, witness No. 24. His evidence is very colourless.

       15. Azher Hosain, witness No. 27, in answer to question No. 42: "Moderate dose
appears to be harmless."

       Question No. 45: "In long standing cases the moderate use even produces noxious
effects." When orally examined he said: "It is of no use my making any statement,
because I have no experience of the effect of ganja, and in fact know nothing about it."

       16. North Western Provinces.—Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel Holmes, witness No. 77,
in answer to question No. 42: "Moderate use said to be beneficial and harmless."

       17. Subhan Ali, witness No. 98, in answer to question 42: "All these drugs used in
small quantities are harmless."

       18. Troylucko Nath Ghose, witness No. 95, in answer to question 42: "Moderate
use is harmless, as I have not seen any bad effect from their moderate use."

       19. Mahomed Yar Khan, witness No. 121, in answer to question 42: "The moderate
use of any of these drugs causes no injurious results."

       20. Pandit Ram Narayan, witness No. 132, in answer to question 42: " When used
moderately, bhang, charas, and ganja are harmless * * * * but they are injurious
in the long run, i.e., when formed into habit.

       21. Lachman, witness No. 136, in reply to question No. 42 says: " Beneficial in

       22. Sukhawat Ali, witness No. 172, says in reply to question 42: " Moderate use of
these drug causes very slight, if any, harm."

       23. Punjab—Narayan Das, witness No 52, says in answer to question 42: "The
moderate use of bhang and charas is harmless, because no bad effects are visible."

       24. Central Provinces.—J. Prentic, witness No. 39, said when orally examined on
question No. 42: " I mean that the beneficial effects of ganja may endure through a very
long indulgence in the habit. I have known men in Bhandara who admit having been
smokers for thirty or forty years. The lung troubles are the only harmful effects I know
from the moderate use."

       25. Madras —Surgeon-Major Thomas, witness No. 96, said in answer to question
No. 42: "The moderate use (in smoking) is not harmful. It has a soothing effect. I have
known many persons who smoke in moderation none the worse in any way."

       26. Dr. Wells, witness No. 105, said he could give no definite opinion on question
No. 42.

       27. Surgeon-Major Nailer, witness No. 89, said in reply to this question: " From the
known medicinal action of this drug, I consider that the moderate use of it is beneficial.
It calms the nervous system, assuages hunger, is good for spasmodic respiratory diseases,
and in all respects acts like tobacco."

       28. Bombay.—Jamiat Ram Jayashankar, witness No. 85, says in answer to ques-
tion 42: " I think the moderate use of any of these drugs is harmless if carefully prepared
and taken," and again in answer to question No. 45: "I do not think that habitual
moderate use of any of these drugs produces any noxious effect." He goes on to say that