About 50 per cent of the total cases vaccinated in the Saidapet range were
vaccinated with glycerine lymph.

        The collected figures from these various sources have given a large number
of vaccinations with this type of lymph the results of which have been available
for comparison with the routine lanoline vaccinations obtained from the whole
Presidency. The glycerine lymph was not submitted to any purifying process
such as chloroforming but was kept, until used, in the cold store.

        The special report was based on an analysis of 629,382 cases. The total
number of returns for primary and secondary vaccinations for the year, however,
was 1,084,352. In the present report the statements (III and IV) and the charts
based on them (charts I and II) have been prepared from these later figures.
The results obtained with lanoline and glycerine lymphs are given separately but
also combined. It is satisfactory to note that the over-all success rate for the
Presidency is 17.9 per cent better than that of the previous year and 2 per cent
better than the rate obtained in 1918-19.

        The success rate obtained with lanoline vaccine alone was 77.64 and with
glycerine vaccine alone 90.31.

        These results, obtained with nearly double the number of cases, simply confirm
the conclusions already given in the special report that glycerine vaccine gives
superior results to lanoline vaccine under the conditions found in the Madras

        The monthwar-success rate (chart I and statement III) is of considerable
interest for two reasons: —

        (1)  A more definite comparison can be made between the two types of

        (2)  The effect of Government Memo. No. 8121-P.H., dated 16th May
1921, and G.O. No. 860-P.H., dated. 19th July 1921, ordering the cessation of
routine vaccination during the hot weather can be studied for the first time.

        (1)    A study of the effect of the hot weather on the success rates obtained
with the two types of lymph: —The most interesting feature of chart (chart I)
which gives the monthly figures in graphic form, is undoubtedly the absence of
the usual hot weather drop. The reason for this is not quite apparent, for emer-
gency vaccination continued throughout the hot weather and one would expect
the usual proportion of successes and failures to be present whatever the actual
totals happened to be. A combined curve formed from results obtained in the
Madras Corporation and Saidapet * range in the special report (special report
chart V) shows that a definite drop did occur in the lanoline results during the
hot months, although a similar fall was not evident with the glycerine. It is
probable, therefore, that a certain diminution did occur with the lanoline lymph,
at any rate, although it is not evident in the present series of figures.

        (2)    The study of the effect of G.O. No. 860-P.H., dated 19th July 1921, and
Government Memo. No. 8121-P.H., dated 16th May 192. —There is no doubt
about the diminution in the number of cases vaccinated during these four months.
An inspection of the figures for the remaining months also shows that a large
proportion of those who were not vaccinated in the hot months presented them-
selves for vaccination during the winter mouths. This is evident from the fact
that the number of operations performed during this season exceeds the average
of previous years. This is a very definite advantage for the chances of a successful
vaccination are much higher during the cool than the hot season. The stoppage
during the hot months, however, has had the effect of reducing the total number of
returns sent in during the year by 44,946 as compared with those of 1920-21.
The obvious question, therefore, is what effect this decrease has had on the
vaccinal state of the Presidency at large. If we examine the numbers vaccinated
betweenMay and August during the years 1920-21 and 1921-22 we find that
347,678 cases were vaccinated in 1920-21 and 158,257 in 1921-22, that is, 189,421
fewer operations were reported in the latter year. Now the total returns in

        * Where the results were very carefully checked.

        The months during which routine vaccination was stopped or partially stopped.