Government [NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of 74936681.tif] of Madras


G.O. No. 145-P.H., 30th January 1924.

Report—King Institute, Guindy, 1922-23—Reviewed.

READ—Letter from Lieut.-Col. T. H. SYMONS, O.B.E., I.M.S., Officiating Surgeon-
   General with the Government of Madras, to the Secretary to Government, Local
   Self-Government (Public Health) Department, dated Madras, the 21st September
   1923, R. No. 1550-G.

     I have the honour to forward herewith two copies of the Annual Report on
the working of the King Institute of Preventive Medicine, Guindy, for the year
1922-23 for the information of Government.

Order—No. 145-P.H., dated 30th January 1924.


     2. The Government have since the close of the year under review sanctioned
the formation of a second bacteriological unit on a permanent basis. They have
also approved a programme of improvements and additions to the buildings of
the Institute, recommended by a committee specially appointed for the purpose.

     3. The question of maintaining the accounts of the Institute on a com-
mercial basis is still under consideration. Messrs. Fraser and Ross, Chartered
Accountants to the Government, have recently examined the present system of
accounts and made certain proposals. These have been referred to the Surgeon-

     4. A public analyst has recently been appointed and the Government hope
to bring into operation the Food Adulteration Act at an early date.

     5. On the recommendation of the Public Health Board local bodies have
been advised to make use of " Stabilized bleach " for sterilizing water by chlori-
nation. The appointment of a travelling inspectorate of municipal water-supplies
consisting of bacteriologists is under the consideration of the Government. The
attention of the Sanitary Engineer and the Director of Public Health is invited
to the Director's suggestion that they might supply him with information as to
the steps taken by municipal councils to rectify the errors pointed out in the
periodical reports on their water-supplies.