YEAR 1923-24.


     As in the previous year the King Institute has continued to function as:—

       (1) The vaccine lymph depot for the Madras Presidency.

       (2) The bacteriological laboratory where both large and small scale
manufacture of bacterial vaccines is carried on.

       (3) The laboratory where clinical bacteriological work is performed for the
Presidency in general and for the hospitals in Madras City.

       (4) The public health laboratory for the Presidency.

       (5) A research laboratory for the investigation of problems connected with
medicine and public health.

     The present report is divided into the following sections which conveniently
describe the various activities of the Institute during the year:—

         I. Staff and buildings.

         II. General.

         III. Financial.

         IV. Scientific.

         V. Assistance to other departments.

         VI. Educational.

         VII. Research work.

     Each of these sections may be read to the exclusion of the others.


     Lieut.-Col. J. Cunningham, M.D., I.M.S., was in charge of the Institute during
the year except for a period of about one month from 16th August to 25th Septem-
ber 1923 when he was deputed to attend the Far Eastern Congress of Tropical
Medicine held at Sinapore as one of the delegates of the Madras Government.
During this period Dr. K. S. Mhaskar, acting Assistant Director of the Institute,
acted as Director in addition to his other duties.

     The post of Assistant Director was held by Major J. A. Cruickshank from
the beginning of the year until 28th June 1923 when he was transferred to
Coonoor to act as Director of the Pasteur Institute. Dr. K. S. Mhaskar, who
had been working at the Institute as a Supernumerary Officer, was appointed to
act as Assistant Director from this date and continued to do so until the end of
the year.

     On the 8th of January 1924, the Public Analyst, Mr. H. Hawley, F.I.C.,
whose post had been recently sanctioned by the Secretary of State reported his

     In response to the request mentioned in my last year's report, Government
in G.O. No. 1766-P.H., dated 26th October 1923, sanctioned a second permanent
investigation unit similarly constituted to the first.

     In addition, at the urgent representation of the Forest department, another
investigation unit for malarial work was sanctioned temporarily for three
months. Civil Assistant Surgeon M. K. Ramaswami Ayyar was appointed in
charge of this unit.

     Civil Surgeon Rao Bahadur M. Kesava Pai and temporary Civil Surgeon
T. Sitapati Ayyar proceeded on combined leave during the year. Their
places were taken by Civil Assistant Surgeons S. R. Pandit and K. V. Krishnan.

     Mention was made in my last year's report of certain suggested improve-
ments to buildings to meet the continuous expansion of the Institute's activities.