




   Adōni.—There is nothing to be said in favour of this water. The supply was mainly
from Nallacheruvu tank. In April the slow sand filters failed to work even as strainers. In
October the filters were thrown out of order and the tank water was supplied direct to the
town. On both the occasions a smell of sulphuretted hydrogen was noticed throughout the
distributary system. The water supplied to the public was anything but satisfactory.

   Berhampur.—The tank water was of fair quality; in May the slow sand filters were not
functioning properly, but in October the filtered water showed an all-round improvement
over the raw water of the tank; deterioration was, however, noticed in the distributary

   Bezwada.—Both examinations showed this supply to be in fair order, but an increase in
the free ammonia figure for the sample taken from the tap in head-works was found on both

   Chidambaram.—In May, the Paterson pressure filter was working satisfactorily, but in
December the plant failed to effect any improvement in the quality of the raw water. The
filtered water was discolored and opaque and further deterioration in transit took place due
to a fouled pipe-line.

   Cocanada.—In June the slow sand filters gave little or no improvement in the quality of
the raw water. In November the supply was thoroughly unsatisfactory, the filters having
been inundated during the storm which occurred in November.

   Conjeeveram.—The sample from the head-works was of a good quality on both occasions,
but a slight deterioration in transit was noticed at the April examination.

   Coonoor.—The supply to this hill station which was only just passable in August 1923
was found to have improved somewhat in February 1924.

   Cuddapah.—At the July examination it was found that an initially good water had
deteriorated in transit, but in January 1924 there was a definite improvement.

   Dindigul—The supply to this town was in fair order at both examinations.

   Ellore.—In July the sand filters yielded a filtrate of poor quality, but in January they
were found to be functioning well. Deterioration, however, occurred in the distributary
system. In June 1923, consequent on a total breakdown of the installation, chlorinated raw
water was supplied to the town for 10 days, the process of chlorination being carried out
under the supervision of a member of the institute staff.

   Erode.—In September 1923 the working of the Jewell filter was much hampered by a
choked suction pipe and possibility of the filter improving the water was nullified by the fact
that no alum was used at this time. In February 1924 a very slight improvement in the
quality of the filtrate was found. The dose of the coagulant, however, continued to be very
much below the required quantity. A similar state of affairs has been found at successive
examinations and adversely reported.

   Cholera like vibrios were detected in some samples sent on 30th November 1923 by the
Chairman, Municipal Council, and the matter was immediately reported to the authorities

   Gudiyāttam.—The infiltration gallery produced a very good water on both the occasions
on which it was examined. Deterioration occurred, however, in transit as the result of
storage in a dirty service reservoir and passage through a fouled pipe-line.

   Guntūr.—The water-supply to this town was of indifferent quality during the year under

   Kodaikānal.—This supply was examined only once, in April 1923. An initially fair
supply was found to deteriorate in transit through a fouled pipe-line.

   Kumbakōnam.—The supply from the sub-artesian borehole was as usual of excellent
quality. The usual phenomenal figures for free ammonia were, however, again in evidence.

   Kurnool.—The sand filters were functioning properly and the supply was in good order
during the year under report.

   Madras Corporation.—The raw water of the Red Hills Lake was of very fair quality on
the occasion of both examinations showing, however, slight deterioration in transit to