lantern slides intended for use in the Presidency was prepared by the
photographer of the Madras Health Council, under the direction and
supervision of the Director and his assistant. The members of the
Institute staff also took an active part in the celebrations by delivering
lectures on public health subjects at various centres. A health drama
was organized by Mr. T. N. S. Raghavachari, Senior Bacteriological
Assistant, and enacted on two occasions at Madras under the patronage
of the Viscountess Goschen and the Hon'ble the Raja of Panagal,


   Much of the work already referred to in the body of the report may
be properly described as research work.

   1. The experiments in connexion with the purification of vaccine
lymph and other problems have been described in the section dealing
with the subject. Further experimental work is still in progress.

   2. Summaries of the work of the various investigation units will
be found in the body of the report under section IV (v). These reports
are too bulky to be included as appendices but will be published in due
course in scientific journals.

   3. The investigation into the various aspects of relapsing fever,
which was commenced last year by Col. Cunningham has been continued
on the lines laid down by him. Preliminary immunisation experiments
with a spirochætal vaccine have been carried out in animals, with a view
to study the phenomena of relapses and the role played by various types
of spirochætes in the cycle of relapses with a close application of
serological methods. These results will be published in due course.

   4. An investigation was carried out at the instance of Major
Wright, I.M.S., Superintendent, Government Ophthalmic Hospital,
Madras, to ascertain the bacteriology of corneal ulcers with special
reference to pneumococcus and the type to which it belongs. Seventy-
five cases were examined in 28 of which (i.e., 37 per cent of the cases)
pneumococcus was isolated. Out of these 28 positive cases, 22 or 78 per
cent belonged to type IV.

   5. This Institute also co-operated with Major Wright in conducting
some experimental work on Trachoma in monkeys and rabbits. The
results were negative.

   6. The presence of a disease like modified smallpox was brought
to the notice of the Director of this Institute by the Health Officer of the
Corporation of Madras. By clinical examination of the cases it was
possible to confirm the diagnosis of "Alastrim" and a short memorandum
has been drawn up by the Director describing the signs and symptoms of
this disease. Copies of this memorandum have been circulated by the
Director of Public Health among the District Health Officers, for enabling
them to distinguish alastrim from smallpox. The material collected
from alastrim cases is being experimented with and studied in the
Institute; the results will be published in due course.

   7. The investigation into the differentiation of lactose fermenters in
water, soil and other situations on the basis of their biochemical
activities, has not been concluded.

   8. A detailed investigation into the technique of testing disinfectants
for their carbolic co-efficients was undertaken, as there was a considerable
amount of variation in the results obtained in different laboratories and
by different workers on the same disinfectant. The work is nearing

   9. The Municipality of Palacole in the Kistna district desired to
introduce a protected water-supply to their town and there was a conflict
of opinion as to the best method of purification that should be employed
