
     Adoni.—The wåter-supply to this town was in a most unsatisfactory condition during the
year. In April 1924, the wells in the bed of the tank were the sources of supply and they
yielded very poor results, the sand filters functioning not even as strainers; in October the town
derived its supply solely from the Ramjella spring which yielded water of an indifferent

     Anantapur.—The gallery supply to this town was in fair order during the period under

     Berhampore.—At both the examinations during the year the sand filters (one of which
was filmed with alum) yielded water of a good quality; but this standard of purity was lost to
the consumer as a result of its passage through a dirty reservoir and fouled pipe lines.

     Bezwada.—The supply was in fair order; an increase in free ammonia was again noticed
in the sample taken from the tap in pumping station. The cause of this undesirable feature
should form the subject of a detailed local investigation.

     Chidambaram.—The condition of the water-supply has continued to be very unsatisfactory
over a very long period. The necessity for a thorough investigation was brought to the notice
of the Government.

     Cocanada.—In May the filtered water showed no improvement bacteriologically over the
raw water, but the sand filters effected an appreciable reduction as regards the organic content
of the raw water. In November the sand filters were not functioning properly.

     Conjeeveram.—In April 1924 the supply was in very good order, but in October, there was
a marked falling off in quality.

     Coonoor.—The water-supply showed evidence of deterioration in August 1924, manifestly
due to the heavy rains, but in February 1925, the supply to the town was in excellent order.

     Cuddapah.—In July, as a result of a partial failure of the Bugga spring, the town had to
derive its supply from two experimental wells which yielded water of a good quality but this
initial purity was lost to the consumer on account of dirty distribution mains. In February
the gallery supply was of poor quality.

     Dindigul.—The Odukkam gallery supply was found insufficient in May 1924 and the water
from a deep well which was inferior to the gallery water was used to augment the town supply;
in November examination the supply was in fair order.

     Ellore.—The sand filters did not function even as strainers during the first half the year;
in February 1925, the municipality had recourse to filming the beds with alum (under the
advice of the Sanitary Engineer based on the results of the experiments at Guindy) and obtained
water of a high degree of purity.

     Erode.—The mechanical filter installation continued to be worked in a very unsatisfactory
manner with the result that the filtrate was no better than the raw Cauvery water. The installa-
tion will require to be worked with considerable care.

     Gudiyattam.—The infiltration gallery supply was fair in April, but in November an
initially good water was found to deteriorate in transit.

     Guntur.—The town supply continued to be of indifferent quality during the year under

     Kodaikanal.—The water-supply to this hill station was in good order.

     Kumbakonam.—The sub-artesian borehole yielded as usual water of a very high degree
of bacteriological purity. The phenomenal high figures for free ammonia continued to be in

     Kurnool.—The sand filters functioned properly and the filtrate was of good quality. The
slight deterioration noticed in transit can be avoided by periodical thorough flushing of the
distribution mains.

     Madras.—The examinations carried out during the year only went to confirm what has
been hitherto urged, viz., that the method of purification adopted is absolutely unsuited to the
Red Hills Lake water. The consumer got nothing better than the raw water.

     Madura.—Of the two galleries, the one at Kochadai yielded water as usual of a superior
quality. In November, when the Vaigai was flooded the Arapalaiyam gallery was totally unable