FOR 1925—26.



     Dr. D. A. Turkhud, M.B., C.M. (Edin.), acted as Director from April to 31st
December 1925. Major H. H. King, M.B., B.S., I.M.S., has officiated as Director
from the 1st of January 1926.

     Dr. C. G. Pandit, Ph.D. (Lon.), M.B., B.S. (Bom.), D.P.H., D.T.M. (Eng.), has
officiated as Assistant Director throughout the year.

     Mr. H. Hawley,, F.I.C., Public Analyst to the Government of Madras,
has continued to be in charge of the Public Health Section of the work which
includes the examination both of water samples and of miscellaneous articles.

     Civil Assistant Surgeon S. Ramakrishnan returned to duty from leave out of
India on 9th September 1925; Civil Assistant Surgeon J. C. David was relieved
in the Institute on 26th August 1925 and deputed to the School of Tropical
Medicine and Hygiene, Calcutta, for training in practical Pharmacology for two
years from 1st September 1925. Civil Assistant Surgeon K. Padmanabha Menon
proceeded to England on combined leave for one year from 1st March 1926 to
take up a course in Tropical Medicine and Advanced Bacteriology.


     Requirements.—These are many and have received the attention of Govern-
ment in G.O. No. 2347, P.H., dated 19th November 1925. Of these works the
following two have been completed during the year:—

     The roof of the animal stock house has been improved by putting up a
Mangalore tile double roof.

     The electric supply now comes from the Engineering College, Guindy,
relieving the Institute of the burden of the local production of power.


     The usual First Class Vaccinators' Class was held for a fortnight in
February and was attended by 61 students.

     A class to study Malaria was held for a month in February. It was attended
by 12 B.S.Sc. and Second Class Health Officer students.

     A class in vaccine lymph manufacture was held for a week in December. It
was attended by the same students as attended the Malaria class.


     Veterinary sera.—The Institute continued to cold store and distribute sera
for the Veterinary Department.

     Vaccine lymph.—Regular supplies were made to the Station Municipality,
Bangalore, Secunderabad Cantonment, and French Southern India. Special
supplies were made to the Federated Malay States, the Government of Burma
and the Laccadive and Maldive Islands. Seed lymph was supplied to Ceylon.

     Special inspections of water supplies.—An officer of the Institute inspected
the water supply of Erode when cholera occurred there. More Municipality was
visited to advise on its filter beds. Rajahmundry Central Jail was visited to
detect the source of contamination of its well with organic matter. The
Metur labour camp was visited to advise on its temporary water supply.