The quantity of Vaccine Lymph supplied to Various Bodies from 1921 to 1925.

No. To whom supplied. 1921-22. 1922-23. 1923-24. 1924-25. 1925-26.
1 Government departments, includ-
ing jails . . .
41,820 44,200 29,345 22,300 19,815
2 Agency tracts . . . 26,300 21,985 29,740 30,420 30,350
3 Military department and Canton-
ments . . .
29,020 26,025 29,965 33,385 40,520
4 District Boards . . . 1,468,800 1,732,225 1,858,335 1,846,990 1,859,060
5 Municipalities . . . 175,345 197,900 195,015 238,565 187,525
6 Other bodies . . . 88,715 57,580 42,190 52,420 78,768
  Total . . . 1,830,000 2,079,915 2,184,590 2,224,080 2,216,038


The number of cases reported in 1925-26 as compared with the a mount of lymph supplied.

Type of Vaccination.
No. Districts. Quantity of lymph
Returns received
for primary
Returns received
for re-vaccination.
Returns received
for secondary
Cases with results
unknown not in-
cluded in columns
4,5 and 6.
Total cases report-
ed (total of
columns 4, 5, 6
and 7).
Difference of
colums 3 and 8.
Percentage of
lymph un-
accounted for.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1 The Nilgiris . . . 11,420 5,123 7,725 . . . 1,720 11,420* . . . . . .
2 Malabar . . . 130,385 86,738 28,084 4,938 10,207 129,967 418 0.3
3 South Kanara . . . 60,730 37,706 0,866 1,408 6,430 55,410 5,320 8.8
4 Coimbatore . . . 93,385 63,942 16,239 2,807 6,869 89,857 3,528 3.8
5 Ganjām . . . 100,500 58,162 14,829 2,405 8,956 84,652 15,848 15.8
6 Gōdåvari . . . 98,210 53,992 26,855 4,491 8,000 93,338 4,872 5.0
7 Guntūr . . . 104,500 47,112 28,362 6,066 7,228 88,768 15,732 15.1
8 Trichinopoly . . . 73,175 47,142 12,087 2,936 7,427 69,592 3,583 4.9
9 Tanjore . . . 90,355 56,871 6,756 4,115 9,184 76,926 13,429 14.9
10 South Arcot . . . 76,990 52,625 9,142 1,853 7,961 71,581 5,409 7.0
11 Kurnool . . . 42,915 25,085 6,709 2,812 2,935 37,541 5,374 12.5
12 Anantapur . . . 41,765 20,872 12,765 2,918 2,910 39,465 2,300 5.5
13 Cuddapah . . . 41,895 21,297 7,979 2,032 2,726 34,034 7,861 18.8
14 Bellary . . . 39,000 20,801 6,169 3,341 2,462 32,773 6,227 16.0
15 Vizagapatam . . . 158,490 92,197 25,112 5,130 11,320 133,759 24,731 15.6
16 Nellore . . . 63,775 42,294 8,337 2,343 4,629 57,603 6,172 9.7
17 Kistna . . . 98,190 60,994 18,138 3,769 8,861 91,762 6,428 6.5
18 Salem . . . 106,800 70,304 13,319 6,584 8,445 98,652 8,148 7.6
19 North Arcot . . . 82,910 59,151 9,831 4,169 7,393 80,544 2,366 2.9
20 Chittoor . . . 59,390 32,587 16,825 1,282 4,796 55,490 3,900 6.6
21 Chingleput . . . 61,635 26,265 6,666 2,222 4,106 39,259 22,376 36.6
22 Tinnevelly . . . 86,900 47,041 9,478 12,664 6,959 76,142 10,758 12.0
23 Madura . . . 84,650 50,750 13,257 6,451 9,707 80,165 4,485 5.3
24 Rāmānd . . . 81,445 33,333 5,508 2,292 4,468 45,601 35,844 44.0
25 Municipalities . . . 150,770 86,226 38,574 2,801 4,821 132,422 18,348 12.2
26 Madras Corporation . . . 36,755 19,514 12,910 . . . 2,620 35,044 1,711 4.7
27 Other bodies. . . 139,103 1,424 1,740 28 38 3,230 135,873 97.7
  Total . . . 2,216,03 1,219,848 373,262 91,857 163,178 1,844,997* 371,041 16.7
Total excluding
other bodies.
2,076,935 1,218,424 371,522 91,829 163,140 1,841,767* 235,168 11.3

   * NOTE.—The amount of lymph allotted for one case is based on there being four insertions per case. In
re-vaccinations usually there are less than four insertions per case resulting sometimes in more cases being
accounted for than the lymph supplied. This has happened in the case of the Nilgiris this year, so in column
8 instead of the actual number of cases returned (14,568) the lymph case supply (11,420) has been entered.