Details of Specimens received for Examination, 1925-26.

No. Description. Number
1 Blood films for malaria parasites . . . 204 27  
2     Do. leucocytosis . . . 5 1
3     Do. differential count . . . 31 . . .
4     Do. kala-azar . . . 19 1
5     Do. relapsing fever . . . 21 2
6     Do. leptospira . . . 1 . . .
7     Do. piroplasma . . . 1 1
8 Blood for agglutination test for typhoid group . . . 2,594 754 B. Typhosus alone . . . 560
B. Para Typhoses A . . . 1
   Do. B . . . 4
   Do. C . . . 3
To more than one organism. 186
9     Do. Malta fever . . . 11 . . .  
10     Do. dysentery group . . . 73 33 Positive to Shiga and Flexner
both . . . 2
Positive to Shiga, negative to
Flexner 22
Positive to Flexuer, negative
Shiga . . . 9
11     Do. B. Coll Communis (Escherich) . . . 37 6  
12     Do. B. Fæcalis alkaligenes . . . 12 2
13 Culture of blood for B. typhosus . . . 572 116 B. Typhosus positive in 105; B.
Para A 8; B. Para B 1; B.
Para C 2.
14     Do. kala-azar . . . 63 3  
15 Blood for Formolgel test for kala-azar . . . 31 13
16 Blood for Weil-Felix reaction (the test for
typhus) . . .
4 . . .
17 Specimens for
Blood . . . 8,648 2,996
Cerebrospinal fluid . . . 29 10
18 Smears for plague (human) . . . 20 8
19     Do. (animal) . . . 225 68
20 Smears for gonococcus . . . 10 2
21     Do. B. Lepræ . . . 29 2
22     Do. Spirochaeta Pallida . . . 3 1
23 Sputum, etc., for tubercle bacilli . . . 97 24
24     Do. pneumococci . . . 21 17 Type II-1; Type IV-l1 (not
typed 5).
25     Do. influenza . . . 2 . . .  
26 Faeces for amœbæ . . . 336 36 A histolytica 16, Coli cysts 18,
Lamblia cysts 2.
27     Do. ova . . . 89 27  
28     Do. dysentery bacilli . . . 592 37 Flexner 22, Shiga & Gartner 1,
Atypical 6.
29     Do. cholera . . . 32 22  
30     Do. organisms of typhoid group . . . 497 4 Para Typhoid A 1
   Do. B 2
   Do. C 1
31     Do. tubercle bacilli . . . 10 . . .  
32 Urine for bacteriological and chemical examina-
112 . . . Chemical examination only 13.
33 Urine for B. Coli . . . 23 16  
34   Do. for B. typhosus . . . 119 3
35   Do. for tubercle bacilli . . . 4 . . .
36   Do. gonococci . . . 1 . . .
37 Culture and swabs for diphtheria . . . 96 8
38 Culture for cerebrospinal fluid for meningococcus. 24 . . .
39 Cerebrospinal fluid for Langes gold solution test . . . 26 21
40 Cultures from knee joints and elbow joints . . . 13 1 B. Pyocyaneus.
41   Do. from pleural fluid . . . 11 . . .  
42 Pericardial fluid for tubercle bacilli . . . 1 . . .
43     Ascitic fluid for tubercle bacilli . . . 11 . . .
44     Do. for widal reaction . . . 1 1 Positive to Flexner and negative
to Shiga.
45 Fluid from cyst for bacteriological and chemical
examination . . .
1 . . .  
46 Discharges, pus and other material for identifi-
cation of organisms . . .
202 . . . Pneumococcus 7.
47 Vomit for cholera, vibrios . . . 1 . . .  
48 Surgical and other materials for sterility test . . . 71 11
49 Vaccine lymph from Vaccine Depot, Trivandrum,
for bacterial content . . .
2 . . .
50 Peptone powder for bacterial content . . . 1 . . .
51 Pathological specimens for diagnosis of malig-
nancy, etc. . . .
30 21