The following amendments are suggested to this Act:—

     Preamble.—No change.

     Section 1.— Do.

     Section 2.—After the definition of food, add the following definition of milk. "Milk
means the normal clean secretion obtained by milking the udder of the healthy cow or buffalo
either completely or to completion after the first portion of the milk has been taken direct
from the udder by a calf."

     Sections 3 and 4.—No change.

     Section 5, sub-section 1, sub-paragraphs (a) to (c).—No change.

     Section 5, sub-section 1, sub-paragraph (d).—Read the following, the amendment suggested
being the addition of the words in italics:

           (d) sells or has exposed for sale milk, cream, butter, ghee, cheese, or other food which
                    is not up to the standard of purity prescribed by the Governor in Council
                    or which is sold or exposed for sale in a manner contrary to any regulations made
                    by the Governor in Council under section 20 (f), (g) or (h) shall be punished for
                    the first offence with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees and for
                    every subsequent offence with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees.

     Read the rest as it stands.

     Section 5, sub-section 2.—After the last word sale, add the following "and that any food
found in the possession of a person who is in the habit of selling like articles, and at the
place at which he usually carries on his business, is exposed for sale."

     Sections 6 to 19.—No change.

     Section 20, sub-paragraphs (a) to (d).No change.

           Do.                   do.                   (e).—Read the following, the amendment suggested
being the addition of the words in italics:—

           Prescribing standards of purity for milk, cream, butter, ghee, cheese or other food, and
determining what deficiency in any of the normal constituents of these articles or what
addition of any extraneous matter or proportion of water in any of the same or any prepara-
tion of the same shall for the purposes of this Act raise a presumption until the contrary is
proved that the milk, cream, butter, ghee, cheese, or other food is not genuine, or is injurious
to health.

     Add the following as additional sub-paragraphs to section 20:—

           (f) for prohibiting or regulating, in the interests of public health, the addition of any
                 colouring matter, preservative, water or other diluent or adulterant to all or a
                 particular food, for prohibiting or regulating the abstraction of any ingredient
                 from any food and for prohibiting or regulating the sale, for human consump-
                 tion, of any food to which such addition or from which such abstraction has
                 been made or which has been otherwise artificially treated.

           (g) Providing for the manner in which any tin or other receptacle containing dried,
                    condensed, skimmed or separated milk is to be labelled or marked prescribing the
                    minimum percentages of milk-fat or milk-solids which should be present in dried
                    or condensed milk.

           (h) Authorizing the persons taking samples of milk or other food for the purpose of
                    analysis under this Act, to add a preservative to such sample for the purpose of
                    maintaining it in a suitable condition for analysis and regulating the nature and
                    method of addition of such preservatives.

     Read the rest as it stands.

     Sections 21 and 22.—No change.