badly needed to help control the many researches of diverse natures now
going on. These make heavy demands on the time of the Director, for not only
is he consulted in and advise on every research, but many researches, particularly
those in the field, entail much correspondence and many others have finally to be
written up by him, further the researches suffer for lack of more personal atten-
tion and visits in the field as could be given by, or with the help of, another
Assistant Director.

        The next urgent need is for an Assistant Surgeon to be resident at the
Institute and help the Director in supervising the general non-sectional work of
the Institute, e.g., bacteriological stores, care of animals, control of the kitchen,
cleaning of apparatus, etc., which demand bacteriological knowledge on the part
of the assistant.

       A third very urgent need is the equipment of some of the present laboratories
with suitable furniture and fittings. At present two of the main laboratories are
without bacteriological benches and work has to be done on tables without gas or
water laid on except at other chemical tables behind.

      KING INSTITUTE, GUINDY,                H. H. KING, MAJOR, I.M.S.,
     Dated 3rd September 1927.                                                          Director.
