Synopsis of results of examination of water samples.—In the columns headed
dates and results, first the date of examination is given and then the minimum
number of cubic centimeters of water in which lactose fermenters could be found.
When these were absent in 60 c.c., the mark > is written before 60 to indicate
that the minimum quantity was something greater than 60 c.c. Unless otherwise
stated, filters refer to slow sand filters. The expression " Distributary system "
includes service reservoirs.


No. Source. Dates of examination and results. Remarks on supply.
1 Adōni 29 Apr. 1926 26 Oct. 1926. Bad at the first and indifferent at the
second examination.
Spring 0.01 c.c. 5 c.c.
Well in Nallacheruvu 0.01 c.c. 10 c.c.
Filtered water 0.01 c.c. 5 c.c.
Distributary system 0.01 c.c. 5 c.c.
2 Anantapur 26 Apr. 1926 12 Oct. 1926.  
Indifferent. Infiltration gallery is
unable to deal with flood water
effectively. (At this period chlorina-
tion is necessary.)
River water ... 0.01 c.c.
Infn. gallery 20 c.c. 1 c.c
Dy. system 60 c.c. 1 c.c.
3 Berhampur 20 May 1926 8 Dec 1926. Very good initially but deteriorates in
Tank water 20 c.c. 20 c.c.
Filtered water >60 c.c. >60 c.c.
Dy. system 10 c.c. 5 c.c.
4 Bezwada 27 Sep. 1926 8 Mar. 1927. Good. Sample from pumping station
continues to show high free ammonia.
See report.
Wells 20 c.c. 20 c.c.
Dy. system 20 c.c. 20 c.c.
5 Chidambaram 7 Aug. 1926 10 Jan. 1927. Good, but variable because water
deteriorates in quality in distributary
Tank 5 c.c. 20 c.c.
F.W. (methl.) 20 c.c. >60 c.c.
Dy. system 1 c.c. 1 c.c.
6 Chingleput 9 Apr. 1926 4 Oct. 1926. Excellent.
Infn. gallery >60 c.c. >60 c.c.
Dy. System >60 c.c. >60 c.c.
7 Cocanada 8 June 1926 21 Dec. 1926 Some filters sometimes act more satis-
factorily than before, but the final
mixture delivered is no better than
raw water because of other filters
not working well.
Tank 5 c.c. 5 c.c.
F.W. 5 c.c. 5 c.c.
Dy. system 5 c.c. 5 c.c.
8 Conjeeveram 10 Apr. 1926 5 Oct. 1926. Indifferent and variable.
Infn. gallery 10 c.c. 1 c.c.
Dy. system 5 c.c. 5 c.c.
9 Coonoor 19 Aug. 1926 16 Feb. 1927. Passable.
Upland surface water 5 c.c. 5 c.c.
Dy. system 5 c.c. 20 c.c.
10 Cuddapah 13 May 1926 7 Jan. 1927. Indifferent.
Infn. gallery 1 c.c. 5 c.c.
Dy. system 1 c.c. 5 c.c.
11 Dindigul 16 Apr. 1926 2 Nov. 1926. Passable.
Infn. gallery 5 c.c. 10 c c.
Dy. system 5 c.c. 10 c.c.
12 Ellore 27 Aug. 1926 15 Feb. 1927. Indifferent and variable.
Tank 1 c.c. 5 c.c.
F.W. 1 c.c. >60 c.c.
Dy. system 5 c.c. 5 c.c.
13 Erode 6 Sep. 1926 26 Jan. 1927.  
Indifferent, Results continue to be
variable and to depend upon the way
the filters are worked.
River water 0.1 c.c. 1 c.c.
Mechl. filtered water >60 c.c. 5 c.c.
Dy. system 60 c.c. 1 c.c.
14 Gudiyāttam 4 1 Nov. 1926 Variable. Good at the first and in-
different at the second examination.
Deteriorates further in distribution.
Infn. gallery >60 c.c. 10 c.c.
Dy. system 60 c.c. 1 c.c.
15 Guntūr 27 Sep. 1926 8 Mar. 1927 Poor. Chlorination practised during
the year was inefficient at first but
successful at the second examination.
Infn. gallery 1 c.c. 1 c.c.
Dy. system 5 c.c. >60 c.c.