(iii) One car driver.

                     (iv) One wireman.

                     (v) One fitter.

                     (vi) One animal attendant.

           (8) A garage for the use of the officers employed in the Institute.

           (9) Acquisition of 21.45 acres of land.

       In addition to the completion of these works, the provision of new furniture
for the main building is urgently required.


       The usual First-class Vaccinators' class was held for a fortnight in
February and was attended by 65 students.

       Eight visits were made by batches of students from colleges and schools
during the year.

        The following attended the Institute to acquire a practical training in
branches of work here:—

           (1) Mr. P. Purushottam, Assistant Surgeon, K.E.M. Hospital,
            (2) Mr. Sankaran, L.M.S., Madras.
            (3) Mr. M. K. Gopal Pillai, Superintendent, Vaccine Depot, Trivandrum.
            (4) Mr. P. N. Kurian, B.A., Laboratory Assistant, Metur Project.

         Dr. Blaker, Director, Vaccine Institute, Meiktila, and Dr. Iswaramurti of
the Mysore Vaccine Institute, Bangalore, attended the Institute for a few days in
connexion with the manufacture of vaccine lymph. Rao Sahib Govindaraju,
Bacteriological Assistant to the Director of Public Health, Bengal, examined our
methods of manufacture of cholera vaccine on a large scale.


       Veterinary sera.—The work of receiving, cold storing and distributing sera
for the Veterinary Department has continued to increase. Details are given in
Table X.

       As was said in last year's report (page 2) it is time that this work be removed
from the Institute, for not only does it demand cold storage space that can ill be
spared, but it also takes up the time of skilled technical attendants who would
be better employed in their own legitimate work, and adds considerably to
the office work. The extent of the work is now large enough for it to be
economical to use a separate cold store. I understand that the Veterinary
Department have applied for a cold store. This would be an advantage both to
them and to us.

       Vaccine lymph.—Regular supplies were made to Secunderabad Cantonment,
the Station Municipality, Bangalore, and to French Southern India. Seed lymph
was supplied to Ceylon.

       Special examination of water-supplies.—Mr. T. N. S. Raghavachari, Senior
Bacteriological Assistant, Public Health Section, visited several supplies that
needed bacteriological investigations on the spot. Details are given in Part II D,
paragraphs 7 and 8. Many special samples were taken and examined at the request
of various departments and local bodies; they are listed in Table XV and include
samples from Cochin, Pudukottah and French India.


       The financial statement in Table I includes both direct and indirect charges.
The total income is estimated at Rs. 10,71,489 and the total expenditure at
Rs. 3,64,894 which gives an estimated net profit of Rs. 7,06,595 on the year's
working. This figure is nearly twice as big as that of the previous year and is
due mainly to a large increase in the number of examinations of specimens