TABLE XIV.

       Synopsis of results of examination of water samples. —Most samples were
examined fully chemically and bacteriologically, but the details are not given in
order to avoid taking up too much space. Since on the whole the presence of
lactose fermenters is the most important criterian it alone is here recorded.

       In the columns headed dates and results, first the date of examination is
given and then the minimum number of cubic centimeters of water in which
lactose fermenters could be found. When these were absent in 60 c.c., the
mark > is written before 60 to indicate that the minimum quantity was some-
thing greater than 60 c.c. Unless otherwise stated, filters refer to slow sand
filters. The expression “ Distributary system ” includes service reservoirs.


No. Source. Dates of examination and results. Remarks on supply.
1 Adōni 29 July 1927 27 Feb. 1928. Bad at the first examination, but
chlorinated and good at the second.
Spring 0.1 c.c. ...
Raw water ... 0.1 c.c.
Water (chlorinated) ... 60 c.c.
Dy. system 0.1 c.c. 60 c.c.
2 Anantapur 29 Sep. 1927 24 Feb. 1928. Indifferent. Remarks of last year
apply (Chlorination essential When
river is in flood.)
River water 0.01 c.c. ...
Infn. gallery 1 c.c. 5 c.c
Dy. system 1 c.c. 5 c.c.
3 Bellary 26 May 1927 25 Nov. 1927. New supply: Indifferent at the first
and fair at the second examination.
Well in the bed of the Hagari. 1 c.c. 5 c.c.
Dy. system 5 c.c. 20 c.c.
4 Berhampur 27 Apr. 1927 3 Dec. 1927. Good. Slight deterioration in distribu–
tion at the second examination.
Tank water 10 c.c. 5 c.c.
Filtered water >60 c.c. >60 c.c.
Dy. system >60 c.c. 20 c.c.
5 Bezwada 20 July 1927 20 Mar. 1928. Bad at the first and fair at the second
Wells 0.1 c.c. 20 c.c.
Dy. system 5 c.c. 20 c.c.
6 Cannanore 30 May 1927 13 Dec. 1927. Public well. Indifferent.
Well 1 c.c. 5 c.c.
7 Chidambaram 13 June 1927 4 Jan. 1928. Fair, but there was serious deteriora–
tion in distribution in June.
Tank 5 c.c. 0.1 c.c.
F.W. (Mechl.) >60 c.c. 10 c.c.
Dy. system 5 c c. 10 c.c.
8 Chingleput 2 May 1927 8 Nov. 1927. Good.
Infn. gallery 60 c.c. >60 c c.
Dy. system 20 c.c. 60 c.c.
9 Cocanada 14 July 1927 16 Dec. 1927 Result of filtration not up to standard.
(See report.)
Tank 1 c.c. 0.1 c.c.
F.W. 5 c.c. 10 c.c.
Dy. system 20 c.c. 10 c.c.
10 Conjeeveram 2 May 1927 8 Nov. 1927. Variable.
Infn. gallery 10 c.c. 5 c.c.
Dy. system 10 c.c. 10 c.c.
11 Coonoor 4 Oct. 1927 9 Mar. 1928. Passable.
Upland surface water 5 c.c. 10 c.c.
Dy. system 5 c.c. 20 c.c.
12 Cuddapah 8 Apr. 1927 7 Dec.1927. Indifferent and variable.
Infn. gallery 10 c.c. 5 c.c.
Dy. system 1 c.c. 5 c.c.
13 Dindigul 5 Apr. 1927 3 Nov. 1927. Gallery supply in April passable: Well,
used in November owing to failure of
gallery, bad. (See report.)
Infn. gallery 5 c.c. ...
Well ... 0.1 c.c.
Dy. system 10 c.c. ... 1 c.c.
14 Ellore 21 Sep. 1927 3 Feb. 1928. Filtered supply variable. As distribut–
ed supply was of poor quality.
Tank 5 c.c. 01 c.c.
F.W. 60 c.c. .5 c.c.
Dy. system 5 c.c. 5 c.c.
