The number of ampoules and types of sera and vaccines for human use bought and
distributed-April to September 1930.

No. Name of serum. Stock on
1st April
Bought. Issued. Balance on
1st Oct,
... Sera. ... ... ... ...
1 Anti-tetanic serum (1,000 international units) 1,280 6,000 5,555 1,725
2     Do. (3,000 do.) 2,254 2,050 2,692 1,612
3     Do. (10,000 do.) 16 150 64 102
4 Anti-streptococcus serum multivalent 116 2,750 2,691 175
5         Do. concentrated (10 c.c.) 226 200 100 326
6         Do. erysipelas (3 c.c.) 297 250 307 240
7         Do. puerperal (3 c.c.) 940 2,000 1,513 1,427
8 Anti-dysenteric serum (5,000 units) 640 1,000 1,492 148
9       Do. (10 c.c.) 2 ... 1 1
10       Do. (20 c.c.) ... ... ... ...
11 Diphtheria antitoxin (2,000 units) 996 500 554 942
12         Do (2,500 units) 22 ... 22 ...
13         Do. (6,000 units) 113 100 45 168
14         Do. (10,000 units) 50 50 6 94
15 Anti-meningococcns serum (15 c.c.) 24 100 41 83
16 Anti-venomous serum (40 c.c.) 118 ... 63 55
17 Anti-anthrax serum 11 20 11 20
18 Anti-pneumococcus serum (25 c.c.) 2 ... 24 2
19         Do. (10 c.c.) 155 100 153 102
20 Anti-gas gangrene serum (10 c.c.) 108 300 68 340
21 Diphtheria prophylactic toxoid anti-toxin 121 100 38 183
22 Schick test outfits 99 5 102 2
23 Plague serum 9 ... ... 9
24 Normal horse serum 60 150 130 80
... Total sera 7,683 15,825 15,672 7,836
... Vaccines. ... ... ... ...
1 Coley's fluid (2 c.c.) 13 12 16 9
2 Plague vaccine. 29 26 11 44
3 Tuberculin B.E. ... ... 167 ...
4 Old Tuberculin for V.P. test ... ... 322 ...
... Total vaccines 42 3 516 53
... Total sera and vaccines 7,725 15,863 16,188 7,889


Veterinary sera handled during April to September 1930.

No. Name of sera. Bottles or tubes.
Stock on 1st
Apr. 1930.
Receipts. Issued. Balance on
30th Oct.
1 Anti-anthrax serum 113 8 19 102
2 Anti-rinderpest serum, ordinary 44 250 227 67
3 Special rinderpest serum, class I 110 246 189 167
4 Special rinderpest serum, class II 688 13,157 13,839 6
5 Hæmorrhagic septicæmia, serum. 87 142 133 96
6 Blackquarter serum 129 323 426 26
7 Blackquarter aggressin 16 43 48 11
8 Anti-tetanic serum 22 24 20 26
9 Germ-free filtrate 6 ... ... 6
10 Fowl cholera vaccine 15 1 ... 16
11 Liptospira serum (canine) 18 ... ... 18
12 Mallein Intra Ebral test 13 ... ... 13
13   Do. (ordinary) 217 4 143 78
14 Tuberculin Avian (concentrated) 2 ... ... 2
15 Tuberculin Avian (ordinary) 6 1 1 6
16 Tuberculin Bovine (concentrared) 70 1 7 64
17 Tuberculin Bovine (ordinary) 41 1 19 23
... ... ... ... ... ...
... Total 1,597 14,201 15,071 727