No. 740, P.H., 22ND APRIL 1931

        Prosecutions were launched by the local bodies in some of the cases and the
vendors were fined. It is surprising to note that no legal proceedings were taken
by the Coimbatore Municipal Council even though the food samples sent for
examination from the municipality were in several cases grossly adulterated. The
Chairman, Municipal Council, Ootacamund, is advised to see that samples are sent
regularly and in small batches and that greater discrimination is used in the selec-
tion of samples with a view to find out dishonest vendors.

(By order of the Government, Ministry of Local Self-Government.)

Secretary to Government.

To the Surgeon-General.

 "   the Director of Public Health.

 "   the Sanitary Engineer.

 "   the Director of King Institute, through the Surgeon-General.

 "   all Presidents of District Boards.

 "   all Chairmen of Municipal Councils.

 "   the Accountant-General.

 "   the Inspector-General of Prisons, through Law (General) Department.

 "   the Public Works and Labour Department.

 "   the Revenue Department.

 "   the Development Department.

 "   the Agent, Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway

 "   the Agent, South Indian Railway                              (with C.L.).

 "   the Agent, Bengal-Nageur Railway

 "   the Inspector of Municipal Councils and Local Boards.

 "   the Quartermaster-General, 8th Secunderabad Division (with C.L.).

 "   the Consul-General for Netherlands (with C.L.).
