when the only condition attaching to it is the continued active existence
of the local body or private institution to which it is given.

   Administrative departments of Government and subordinate authorities
empowered to sanction grants, specify conditions or quote rules or orders
under which the grant is sanctioned and supply a copy of such order of
sanction to the Examiner, Local Fund Accounts. In case of non-com-
pliance with the stipulated conditions the grants are required to be
refunded in part or in entirety at the discretion of the sanctioning
authority. The Examiner, Local Fund Accounts, has to record in his
audit report a note to the effect that the grantee has spent the grant in
accordance with the terms attaching to it, and has to report to Govern-
ment in the Finance Department instances of diversion of large unspent

   Punjab and Central Provinces and Berar.—The grants-in-aid are given
in various forms, viz., money, free buildings, free supply of medicines,
free services of the whole or part of the establishment and the like. They
are given to private hospitals and dispensaries and dispensaries maintained
by religious societies out of (1) municipal and district board funds and (2)
provincial funds subject to budget provision. Grants are neither given nor
withheld on the ground of religious teaching being combined with medical
relief. The grantees must comply with certain conditions imposed by
Government and their failure to do so may involve reduction or with-
drawal of the grant after an enquiry by the Civil Surgeon concerned.
The amount of grants is determined with reference to the efficiency of
the medical institution, and the Inspector General of Civil Hospitals of
the province is the final authority in the matter.

   Grants-in-aid to local bodies are either for general or specific purposes.
The former are unconditional and are given to strengthen the resources
of the local body, while the latter are to be expended within reasonable
time on the object for which the grant is made. Grants for special works
such as buildings, are made as and when the local body is ready to start
operations, but if the amount is large, it is paid in instalments according
to the needs of the work. Unspent portion of the grant or portion diverted
to purposes other than the specified ones must be refunded to Govern-

   In the case of the Punjab, grants-in-aid to local bodies and charitable
mission societies are given for only opening and equipping hospitals or dis-
pensaries and the Government do not in any way accept responsibility
for their maintenance.

   Assam.—Applications for grants-in-aid for the establishment or main-
tenance of hospitals and dispensaries are received by the Inspector
General of Civil Hospitals, Assam, who forwards them to the Local Govern-
ment with his own recommendations. The aid is usually given if there
is a prospect of relief to a substantial number of people through the dis-
pensary, if arrangements for provision of suitable buildings and staff, etc.,
are made and provided the Inspector General of Civil Hospitals feels