Sind.—No major works were undertaken in Sind during the year 1936.
Due to the generosity of private individuals the accommodation at the
Mirpurkhas Civil Hospital was increased in 1937 by the construction of a.
separate building for out-patients and offices and a ward for tubercular

   North-West Frontier Province.—In the North-West Frontier Province,
a ward named as the "Brierley Memorial Tuberculosis Ward" with
accommodation for 30 beds for tubercular patients has been added to
the Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar, at a cost of Rs. 23,286. To the
Mansehra Civil Hospital was added a 16 bedded ward, the cost of which
was borne by the local District Board.

   Delhi.—In the Delhi Province a start was made with building the
Irwin Hospital in 1934, the foundation stone of which was laid by Lord
Irwin in 1930. The responsibility for this hospital was undertaken by
the Government of India, which had recognised for some years that it
was necessary to build a modern general hospital for Old and New Delhi.
The construction work of this hospital was completed in April 1936 at a
cost of Rs. 2,361,390 on buildings and Rs. 2½ lakhs on equipment for the
hospital. This hospital has accommodation for 320 patients, including
20 family wards and 10 special wards. The administration block and the
operation theatres in the Irwin Hospital are air-conditioned.

   A new ward has been added recently to the Silver Jubilee Tuberculosis
Hospital, Delhi. An additional private cottage ward has also been built
in this hospital.

   The Delhi Municipal Committee decided to construct two new ward
blocks, an administrative block and staff quarters during the financial year
1937-38 in the Isolation Hospital, Kingsway.

   Lala Sri Ram of Delhi has donated Rs. 1 lakh for the construction of a
Maternity Hospital which is being built in the Minto Road Area of New
Delhi. The buildings will provide good accommodation for 40 maternity
beds, labour rooms, theatre, etc., and the necessary staff quarters. The
equipment will be supplied by the Delhi Municipal Committee, who will
be responsible for running the hospital.

   Baluchistan.—The construction of a new dispensary with residential
quarters for the staff at Killa-Saifulla in Baluchistan was sanctioned
during the year 1936 at a cost of Rs. 23,700.

   Owing to the damage caused by the earthquake of 1935 several import-
ant works need to be taken in hand at an early date, viz., the construc-
tion of the Civil Hospitals at Quetta an.d Chaman, a new hospital build-
ing for Usta, a Civil Dispensary at Sinjawi and office of the Civil Surgeon,
Bort Sandeman and Loralai.

   Coorg.—At the Civil Hospital, Virajpet, an extension to the
out-patients department was carried out and a small labour room cons-
tructed out of charity funds. Additional accommodation was secured at
the Headquarters Hospital at Marcara by building a glass facade to one of
the general ward verandahs.