2. In addition there are small quantities of Radium in the hands of
private doctors. The Barnard Institute of Radiology, located at the
General Hospital, Madras, is by far the finest institute of its kind in
India, probably in the East. It has recently installed apparatus for the
manufacture of Radon with which it will be possible to utilize the curative
power of Radium to an increasing extent both in Madras and in outlying
districts. The Institute, which, to quote Sir Frank Connor's note on the
Madras Medical Department, "is a fitting memorial to the impatient
industry of Captain Barnard, the Director" undertakes training classes
for medical men, and proposals are under consideration for the establish-
ment of a Diploma and University Degree in Radiology.

   3. The Tata Memorial Hospital, Bombay, which has been founded by
the Trustees of Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, and which will open early in 1939
will also have a large quantity of radium. It seems probable that there
will be a bomb for beam therapy and also a supervoltage machine capable
of producing neutrons as well as X-rays. In addition, several other therapy
and diagnostic roentgen machines of various types and capacities will be

   4. X-Ray facilities available in the various provinces can hardly be
regarded adequate, as will be seen from the figures set forth in the follow-
ing table.

Province. Major sets. Minor sets. Remarks.
Madras 12   Figures for major
and minor sets
not given sepa-
Bombay 10 1  
Bengal 22 9
United Provinces 9 *11 *Plus 2 private
owned sets and
3 minor sets.
Punjab 10 3  
Central Provinces 7 6
Bihar 1 8
Assam 3  
Sind 2 1
Orissa 2  
Delhi 3 3
North-West Frontier Province 1 4
Baluchistan   1
Ajmer-Merwara 1